Friday, November 17, 2006

Turkey in the Straw...

Well I have to say it's been a long week. I think Tuesday was the longest day of my life so far but things could have been much worse and I'm grateful they weren't. Hopefully this weekend we'll all get some much needed rest.
The weather is suppose to be nice and I'm looking forward to get out for a nice walk at some point.
Thanksgiving is next week too. I can't wait for pecan pie. I truly love this holiday. Family is together, everyone is stuffed to the gills with the best food ever and then there's the parade. I'm not sure why but I love the parade. This year I have a lot to be thankful for.
1.Granny is still with us and healthy to boot
2.The unconditional love that God continuously gives me
3.My wonderful Hubby and Pups
4.Dad, Mom and Gary
5.My job, even though it stresses me out sometimes. At least I have one.
6.My car. It's just so dang cute.
7.Pecan Pie that is to come

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! (Just a little Paula Dean for everyone)

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