So this weekend we had a great time. Friday we drove out to pick up John's little cute car. We drove it over to the mall where I promptly bought a winter coat so cute AND on sale! We then wondered around with Gran till she found the handbag of her dreams. We then ate mexican food and drank margaritas for her last night in town before the great around the world travel for the last of this year.
Saturday John worked and I hung out around the house. The weather was nice out and the girls and I snuggled in to watch movies. I watched one from Netflix called Stay. It was different but in the end I really felt what the writer of the story was trying to say. Well maybe not but it did promote a emotional response and I believe that's the full purpose of movies anyway. Saturday night we went over to Sharon & the Girls house for some visit time. We had chili and carved pumpkins. Truly fall is here. Oddly enough, I, yes I, stuck my hand in a nasty, smelly pumpkin and I've got a picture to prove it!!! We had a great time with them. I just love hanging out with those girls. Jessica is a hoot and Layne is funny in her own way. I love how they giggle non stop almost about inside jokes and how they can't figure out how to click their heels. Silly girl things but I love it. We had brownies and watched christian music videos on their GIANT flat screen tv. It was cozy and fun. I really like that family.

Since Saturday night was so cold out John thought perhaps we should go on Sunday and get the fall jacket he's been eyeing at Gap. So we drove out to Legends and got that and two books. One is for mom but i started reading it and love it. She'll get it this weekend though. The other I got for me but John started reading it and I'm not sure he'll let me have it now. I am excited about it though. It looks like it's going to be uncomfortable reading. At least that's what all the reviews on the book say. I like to open the book randomly and see if a paragraph grabs me. This one did and so I bought it right away. I'm been looking for something to read seriously since Harry but nothing has held my interest. I casually prayed about it on day and heck if He didn't almost throw a book in my lap.

Also, on Sunday we mowed our lawn. Not the most exciting of tasks but I love to look out over the large back yard right after we've mowed. It looks like a golf course and I love it. I think packed up our laundry and the stuff to make Chicken Noodle soup (at John's request) and we went to Granny's.

The soup was great and we ended up watching a Hero's marathon. We were very behind on episodes. Funny how weeks of tv can slip by without you really noticing. Funny how I don't really miss tv all that much. Some shows but mostly I don't. Also on Sunday I was gifted with a really nice thing. Since Gran found her new crazy expensive handbag, she gave me her old one. I've been scared of this bag for I'm not sure how long. It wasn't cheap and I've never had anything like that in my life. I've been scared to get it dirty or that I would lose it but she gifted it to me. So now I've got to carry it. It's pretty splendid and I must say this morning as I jammed my wallet, keys, camera, some cds and my new book down into it and still had room, it made me smile just a little.

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