So last night I skipped exercise because I was still pretty sore from the torture of Pilates. I will resume tonight though with a walk. I did manage to cook a pretty good dinner and watch a pretty cool movie instead. We watched the movie Eragon. It's kinda Lord of the Rings meets Harry Potter. So you know I was lovin it! I would recommend it to any who loved either set of the previously mentioned movies. It's entertaining but beware, it's the first of what should be three movies. There are currently two books out. The third, apparently from what I read, has yet to be named or released. My impression for them is they are children's book but much like HP can transcend age. I haven't ever pick up a copy however and therefore don't know if the writing is worth a darn or not. But you know, I seem to not be able to shake my Harry-less depression and so maybe these books will bring me out of my funk. Open my world to something new. It's sad though because ever book I read for the rest of my life will be measured against those books of JK's. Maybe someday I'll be lucky enough for her to write something else HP related and the world will be right again for a brief period of time. Ok...enough with the dramatics.
Today on the agenda for work...not a lot. My exec is out treating her team to a day of golf at a nearby course. I'm hoping someone calls with something for me to do. Otherwise it's going to be a long one. I actually got here early so I could leave early because I thought perhaps it would be slow. I may be mistaken. Hopefully.
Last night I proceeded to look through the majority of my sewing books and patterns for new projects to tackle. I think I've settled on a couple that look like something I could definitely use in my closet but won't be majorly over the top time consuming to sew either. I'm looking at this pattern right now because I love the pants, skirt & jacket thing. They look comfy and good for work. Add some soft sweaters and some boot. Done!

Oh and I also like that it say EASY up at the top.
Also, last night before leaving work I attended a meeting about our work halloween party. Every year we do a thing called Trunk or Treat where people decorate their cars and dress up and people from work bring their kids and trunk or treat. It's cute. I did it last year for the first time and it was so much fun. Loads of kids come and then they throw a beer bash for us afterwards. This year I'm with a new group and we're doing Shrek. I get to be Donkey and I'm super excited. Any Donkey costume ideas, pass them my way. I've got a few things in mind but not the entire picture yet. So
we're using one of the girls lime green vw bug as our car and gonna make it like Shreks swamp/house. Complete with outhouse. It's gonna be super fun. I'm sure I'll have loads of pics to share.

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