So I forgot the dang camera today and therefore can't share with you the pics I got at the Ren Fest. Mind you I didn't take all that many because there are always so many dang people walking in the way. Hopefully tomorrow.
Today I'm getting a lot done and work and leaving a bit early to go and get my chest x ray. Not really looking forward to this. At. All. I know it must be done though. Just in case.
Weekend was nice. Saturday was lovely HOT weather and we sweat like little piggies at the fest. We then drove out to Oak Park Mall where John had decided to get a new watch he'd been eyeing for awhile. It's CUTE!
I of course had to work yesterday. It was totally horrible. I did client registration from 7am-2:30pm with only a five minute break to woof some food and walk back. Once I got still I was asleep for hours following. I felt so dang out of it.
Today I'm all about this new color scheme going in my head. We got some new sheets and I know that's what sparked it. Here are some things I'm crushing on today:

Seriously, It's birds & light blue/brown in one shot. LOVE!

Could possibly be the cutest shower curtain I've ever seen. It's all nature in a cartoon world lookin. CUTE!

Who knew Urban Outfitters would have such a cool chair! Love the shape and the color.
Anyone seeing a pattern here? I love this rug AND I love cherry blossoms.

Love these too. What is it with this nature thing lately? I love it. I can't help who I am people!!!
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