So I've caught the refashion bug yet again. It's such a cool concept to refashion clothing that is one thing and making it something else. It's also cool to think about only trying to buy things second hand for a certain amount of time. This of course excludes things like underwear and swim suits. Since I plan on losing some weight over the next two months, this shouldn't be difficult as I wouldn't have been buy that much in the way of clothing anyway. It does seem appealing though to try and make a few items for myself for the coming season. I've got a few things in mind at this point but am always looking for more inspiration. I went out to the refashion website and looked at all the projects people are working on or have completed. Some people are even nice enough to give you their patterns. I'm also excited about making some home projects (such as a blanket for the couch, possibly curtains and an apron for me to wear while cooking). Since cooler weather is hopefully on the way (I've been praying everyday when I get up it will be in the 60's all day) I will be more apt to be inside and concentrating on things like this. Here are some samplings of inspiration I took from the refashion site. People are crafty, aren't they?!...

Watched a funny movie last night. Called Hot Fuzz. British film starring the same two guys from Shaun of the Dead. A funny zombie movie that John and I both enjoy. Hot Fuzz was good. Not what I expected but really funny and then tense and then funny. These two guys are totally hilarious and make a great on screen team. Maybe not a movie for everyone though. Still funny.
Also, progress report. Three days into the "Get Fit Challenge" and I'm doing good. Last night I did 40 minutes of ungodly terrible Pilates. I swear the smiling blonde woman was trying to kill me! I feel sore today but in a good way. A way that I know something is getting done. Also, I've been great on the food front. Each day I line out what I'm going to eat and pack it all to take to work. Then at night I make a simple meal at home. So far so good. Of course it's only been three days but at least I'm not miserable.
Maybe more later today, as I'm feeling chatty.
Tah for now though!
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