Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sometimes You Just Never Know...

Happy Halloween
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007
Something Cool For Today...
"Stay busy delighting yourself in the Lord (seeking your happiness and satisfaction in Him), and let Him give you what He wants you to have. If God has placed the desire in you, you can be assured that He will bring it to birth in the right season."
This was good for me today. We've all been a little stressed here at work over executive moves that are getting ready to take place. Physical moves and reporting changes. So really it changes from one day to the next who you support and where you will sit. Nov 8th is the move date (coming quickly) and I've still yet to hear who I'll get and where I'll be. I'm anxious. I admit it. I see other ladies here work long hard hours with their people and I've been really fortunate to get great people who are pretty self reliant. This is a great reminder to us to just let go of frustrations and let God give you who and what he's going to give you.
You're Never Going to Believe It...

Friday, October 26, 2007
Nighthawk Black Pearl

So the last few days have been decent. Working on getting all my computer stuff back to normal. Still can't figure out how to get my windows BIG.
Today my entire floor of people moves to another floor and I will be pretty much all alone for a bit of time. Maybe a few weeks but still. It's sad. I like being around people. Having people to talk to. I've missed that since being in this new job. Good thing however is that I might be able to leave early today because there isn't anyone here for me to support.
Got some house stuff done the other day. Doing tiny house projects makes us feel good. Put on the kitchen cabinet hardware. I like it. It's weird having knobs now after not having them for two years.
Just realized this picture is upside down but you get the idea. Simple. That's what we like.
Also, got a wonderful anniversary present from Patti over the last weekend.
Medium size LeCreuset cook pot. I chose the orange because I wanted something completely stand out from all my other things. Plus, it's their original color. You know how I am about vintage-y goodness. It's the perfect size to cook everything in. I've decided I could pretty much live with three pans. I totally don't use the others I have. I can't WAIT to make white chicken chili in this thing. Maybe this weekend.
Went home last night and Yorda had thrown up in the crate. So I was in the midst of cleaning that up when I looked down and her and realized her little muzzle was all swollen. On closer inspection I realized she had big red puffy bumps all over her head. I freaked as any good mother would do and rushed her to the vet (which thank god they were still open and willing to take her without an appointment). She had hives and the doc has no idea why. Neither do I and frankly it stresses me out to no end not knowing what it was that caused it. So after much poking and prodding she got two shots and a little bottle of pills. Got her home and she just itched like crazy. She I wrapped her up in my robe and held her. I looked down at her later and her face was all swollen again but much worse this time. Her eyes, ears, nose, head and back were covered in these big bumps and swollen something terrible. I burst out into tears because I felt so bad for her and she looked so sad. Weirdest thing though, two minutes later the swelling went down. Gone as fast as it came. This morning she is back to normal. Ate fine, looks fine but still acting a little sick. At least she isn't throwing up though. I'm worried it's the cat. I'm worried he's traumatizing her in some way and making this happen. Today I separated them to see what happens.
So ready for the weekend. Feels unreal that it's already here. Weeks in this job seem to fly by and I'm not sure why. I'm not super super busy here but for some reason the days go by faster than they used to. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sadness and No More Water Drinking...
Also, I'm going to have to start bringing my own bottled water to work because everyone I know is pregnant. Seriously. Today at lunch two more of my friends admitted they are and I know one more who is trying to get that way. It's crazy! John and I have talked about it (He even had a dream about it) but our house is to small at this point and I'm scared witless of being prego. Being around other women doesn't help that either. They talk about all the crazy things that happen to your body and then once the baby comes out all the crazy things that baby does. Today I got to hear about extreme diarrhea, stool samples and stool softeners. That's just to much poop talk, people! I hear when you have a baby your modesty goes out the window. Not sure I'm looking forward to that either.
In other news, tonight is work on the house night. At least at our house it is. We went to Home Depot last night and got loads of stuff to work on. Little things you need to do but never think of. Re-caulk that bathroom tub, change out the furnace filter, go through your closets for good will items. I'm looking forward to some good old fashion cleaning going on!
Monday, October 22, 2007
135 Today!!!!
Best purchase of the weekend for me. So comfy, warm and cozy AND a great deal. I might go get them in black too.

Wore the heck out of this hat this weekend. I have a feeling it's going to be a staple around our house for the next few months. It's super warm and cozy.

This I was gifted but love it so much. I think I've decided I may be moving back to my hippie roots. Just look at this stuff!
Anyway, the four days as I said were a blur but I tried to take some photos for interesting things. We did Parkville one day, Westing one day, Legends in KS one day. So good to see Gaga & Sharon. The weather was nice for us a few days but has now turned off cold again. I can't WAIT to get home and get those fluffy brown boots on. I did buy a pair of black leather boots for work over the weekend and they are KILLING my feet. I'm takin them back tonight. I refuse to pay a lot of shoes and then they are uncomfortable. Won't do it!
So getting back on track this week, hopefully. Got loads of things to do at home and work was a little crazy today after me being gone for two days.
More later. Almost time to go HOME!!!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
House Pictures Update
New curtains. On clearance and Pier 1. Also, new chair. Not on clearance but from Pier 1 as well. I wanted something small but comfy and airy. This is perfect. John loves to sit in it each morning to put his boots on. Also, we're placed the family cedar chest at the end of the bed. I'm going to strip it and repaint it but I can't decide what color yet.
Last but not least is the organization of my vanity/the top of the dresser. I have this super cool wooden tray that all my stuffs sit nicely piled on. These flowers were just so pretty but alas didn't last very long. Sad.
Leaving work shortly to head over to Gran's house. Tonight some old friends are stopping by for dinner. Should be a great time. Weather is getting cooler here. I thought I was ready but then realized, now that it's arrived, that I'm not. John and I rushed into Target last night and snapped up a few long sleeved shirts a piece and hurried home to get under the three blankets on the bed.
Today I've been blessed with steady work to do all day. Three of my four execs thing I'm the best thing that's happen to them in a long while and the other guy is just nuts. She however is going on sabbatical soon and I'll have a vacation from her for an entire month. I'll be a bit spoiled I think.
What else? I'm looking for a new work handbag/tote. I'm wanting something brown and bigish. I looked at one last night at Target and liked it but decided not to get it because I wasn't totally in LOVE with it. I know at some point there is bound to be shopping in my future this week. I might find something else then.
In other news, Yorda is really really cute.
Monday, October 15, 2007
So I Went A Little Crazy...

I also got:
-Amy Butler: Midwest Modern. It's a stunning book. Beautiful photos that make you wanna move to the Midwest. Wait. I LIVE in the Midwest. Let's just say this makes the Midwest seem glamorous in a earthy way. Perfect for me. I'm one part earthy, one part glamour and two parts vintage. I can't help but love this book because it combines all my loves together. She and her work truly are a large influence in my life at this time. This book only fuels that ever growing fire.

Last but certainly not least, I got:
-Simple Sewing with a French Twist. It's so so so cool. Some really beautiful photos here as well. Cool, funky projects and great inspiration. It's got some great things I plan on trying to mimic in my own home and closet in the future.

I always find it interesting the pictures that people pick for the front cover of their book. Each of these covers don't do the inside of the book justice and I find that strange. I guess everyone likes different things.
Saturday John worked. I stayed home and did various little projects. I have all these high hopes of tackling some major house work but these dwindled pretty quickly as soon as I slid out of the blankets and realized it was really pretty chilly inside the house. I spent the rest of the the day trying to get the temp inside the house right. I drank hot tea and wore lots of layers. I did funny things that did have anything to do with what I should have been doing. Like I cut out a pair of trousers from a pattern I've been meaning to make, I made choc chip cookies from scratch and so on. I did get the dishes done and moved some things about in the house however.
Sunday we slept in. Went to meet with Gran at a great restaurant for some brunch and talked about an hour about her travels and stuff that's been going on here. Went home and John napped and I read on my books. Then left in the afternoon to help Gran ready the house for the Texas ladies and to do laundry. Which brings me to today.
Monday. My glasses broke first thing out the door this morning but thankfully were easily repaired. Also, thankfully my execs are out of the office today and I've been able to get some things done. Counting the minutes till I can get out of here and change into something warm and see my Gaga.
More tomorrow...
Friday, October 12, 2007
Almost Time to Go!!!

I plan to wear both of these like crazy because I mean did you see the cuteness? Seriously. I'm toying with the idea of pants making. One of my "projects" for tomorrow. I have the fabric and I love it but I get this fabric cutting freight, if you will. I get right to the brink and then can't cut it because what if I jack it up? Well I've got to get over that. I think the two purchases were actually rather smart and versatile. I do want to go to some thrift shops soon to scope out some old time wool skirts or maybe some great stroke of luck would give me a fitted camel trench coat. But really what are the odds huh? We'll see...
Happy Weekend to All!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
PICTURE DAY!!! Group Two
Someone else got a little something new too. Seriously it's the cutest dang dog outfit I've ever seen. She loves it and the cat is scared to death of it.
Hello. I'm a pretty girl. That's right.
PICTURE DAY!!!! Group One
So I've NEVER understood who they get these guys to dress up in little bright colored vests and dance around like gypsies. Takes all kinds I guess.
Not really much that needs to be said about a group like this. Is there?
Now the good lookin men! Or man in this case. Took this of John and I think it's the only picture I've ever heard him say he liked of himself. I think it's pretty cute too. Hello desktop background!!!
Total Mom moment here. We were getting out of the car at Home Depot and there was this super pretty tree all bloomed out. I HAD to take a snap of it. Made me happy.
Monday, October 08, 2007

Seriously, It's birds & light blue/brown in one shot. LOVE!

Could possibly be the cutest shower curtain I've ever seen. It's all nature in a cartoon world lookin. CUTE!

Who knew Urban Outfitters would have such a cool chair! Love the shape and the color.
Anyone seeing a pattern here? I love this rug AND I love cherry blossoms.

Love these too. What is it with this nature thing lately? I love it. I can't help who I am people!!!
Friday, October 05, 2007

I love these boots. I can't decide if their to cowboy for dresses but I love the low heel and the not round but not pointy toe. I think they would be nice with tights and a skirt but I dunno. Either way, I can't buy them because I'm refashioning my wardrobe. Maybe the thrifting gods will smile on me sometime soon and bring me a pretty pair of black boots.
And this place, I want it at my house. Or a house like it that will be mine someday. I love screened in porches. Always have. I want a place to sit, read and just look out into the outside. Someday.
TTFN Kids! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I hope to have the time of my life at the Ren Fest tomorrow. Hopefully funny pics of John will follow.
Thursday, October 04, 2007

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Hot Fuzz & Refashion In The Making