I have just been way to busy to write anything lately. The last two days have been a whirlwind of learning new stuff and running all over the campus here. Yesterday was awesome. I trained over some of the things I was the most worried about knowing and I really believe I will get the hang as soon as I start doing them. Should be today. This morning is the first time I've really been able to just look at my normal blogs and relax enough to be excited about this new job. I get my new desk tomorrow and I can't wait. I have almost an entire wall of windows to my left. Yesterday it was really cool because we watched a storm roll in over our training time. I think I will really enjoy the desk. Don't get comfortable though because in as early as two weeks I may be moving to a new desk but on a higher floor. View from up there is just fabulous! The ladies here are really nice. Better than I thought. I thought perhaps they wouldn't like me because I was young, new or a little off but none of those things seem to be the case. The people on the floor seem nice but shy. I think people are starting to get the picture that I will be around for a while now. Lots of people talk to the old admin, so I bet I will have a entire new set of friends before long. Also in the building (and on the floor I will possibly be moving to) is a really great young gal. My age. Just got married and is just so fun and funny. I think we will be great friends. We knew each other previously from a planning committee we are both on but this will give us more interaction. Today will be more training but mostly in the afternoon. It's been strange not to have emails jamming up my inbox this week. I've pretty much had 20 or less. I think I have 3 right now. It's just crazy. I know things won't stay that way. From seeing some of the execs inboxes I shutter to think what mine will look like once I get rolling here. One guy had 5,000 something UNREAD emails in his inbox. Holy Cow are the only words to describe that.
Personal life if good too. Last night I was able to go home and just clean. It was raining out and the perfect night for it. I lite some candles, turned on a little music and just worked. I got done just the second John pulled in the drive. For those of you who may not have talked to me within the past week, John and I are looking to sell our home and get a new one. We drove around this last Sunday and found a beauty of a house that we are gonna take a look at on Saturday. It's in a lovely neighborhood and the price is right. Loads more space than we have now, which is what we need. We're trying to figure out the time line to get ours on the market. We're thinking within two weeks. We are making a list of what needs to get done and starting right away. Tonight I'm going to do trim paint touch up work. Hopefully it's do able. I think so because really the things we need to do are things we've just been putting off doing ourselves. Nothing major. Plus I think it's a cute house for a first time home buyer or someone who needs very little space. John and I however aren't apparently those people. We'll see though. We're going to talk on Saturday about financing for it. Fingers crossed.
Also, today (while reading one of my many daily blogs) I came across these really really cool shoes. They are a bit pricey but I do believe I must have a pair. They are eco friendly first off, which I love. Secondly, they are just flippin cool. They're from a site called Mohop. They're made in Chicago. Handmade mind you. There are three toe styles and three heel heights. I'm still trying to decide what heel I want. They are however so cool because you can change them all the time. They are essentially a wooden bottom and ribbons around your feet BUT the ribbons are removable, so you can have like a million diff pairs of shoes in one. So love that. Here are some shots from the gallery. Shows how you can make them classy to fun. Casual to work ready. I really must have some of these...

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