So it's Friday already. I think I've never had a week fly by quite like this one did. Today is the last of my training sessions. They've been really informative and everyone has been so nice and helpful. I took twenty minutes yesterday to just write out thank you cards to everyone for their kindness. My title hasn't officially changed in the address book here yet but I'm already doing work for a few of my execs. So far, so good.
Today is Red Friday. Something to do with the Chiefs. I'm just excited because I get to wear jeans and get free lunch. Go Chiefs! Yeah, whatever.
This weekend is a great event I'm super excited about. But first let me mention one more time that we are going to go look at a new house tomorrow morning. I'm so excited. Later in the day we are going to the event of the year. Kate & Joseph's Wedding!!!! I'm so excited for this to finally happen. They're such cool people but such a cool couple too. Hopefully pictures to come (IF I can't find my camera charging cord!!!).
Today John has the day off. (I am aware I'm not going in order. It's bugging me a little to but not enough to fix it) He's got "errands" to run all over town. He's getting some flooring for the laundry room at some point. I'm excited to get that done and see the finished result of the laundry room. Even if we are just gonna sell it, it's rewarding to see what you can accomplish with your own two hands. I'm in a very crafty mood today. I've been looking at all of my daily blogs and getting inspiration left and right. Funny how that works. Inspiration. I love how images help you figure out who you are at heart and the things you love the most. Most of all, it feels GOOOOOD. I love to pour over a new glossy house magazine or some eco fashion mag. Some of it is slop but parts of it make my heart happy. I can't wait for a new house with my own craft room. Someplace I can create whatever I want. My little corner of the world.
Here are a few images that inspire me today:

New thing for me. I love love love white owls. Owls really but white ones for sure. May have come from reading all those HP books and loving how JK would write about Hedwig. I dunno. I love this little guy. I need one.
Love this space. Looks like a LOVELY sunny reading nook. I love the moss and the shells. Love the white pottery and the light blue. I want to be right there, right now.

Ok. I'm done boring you today with details of my mind. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Hopefully I will have much to report on Monday.
Peace and Love, Yo!
(Whomever I heard say that it made me giggle because it so doesn't go together but it's appropriate for the day I think.)
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