How I don't miss thee. Your rough and scratchy edges. Your constant aching pressure. All that's left is a hole (or three) in my mouth and a bottle of way to strong pain pills on my night stand. Farewell dear teeth! Parting is such total agony but better after seven days. =)
So, now that I've got the dramatics of the day out of the way... I'm back. Today is my first official day back to work.
So, now that I've got the dramatics of the day out of the way... I'm back. Today is my first official day back to work.
Word of caution: I'm on pain pills AND medication soaked gauze pad jammed into my old tooth hole. It's all making me a bit loopy. Can't really focus on anything for very long. Makes getting actual work done really interesting. I'm saving the majority of that for when I feel right again anyways. It was a bit odd getting up, getting dressed, putting on make up today. Being home for all those days somehow made me love my little tiny house so much more. Laying in bed thinking about all the possibilities was fun. Even though I was a groggy, swollen, slobbery mess. Bless mom's heart! She was the best nurse maid one could have asked for. I couldn't have made it without here there.
Something else lovely happend right before my life was put on hold for an entire week. We got a new grill. It's not a super expensive one but pretty darn nice if you ask me. We grilled out steaks the day before my surg and I must say they were heaven. I'm excited to grill all kinds of other fun stuff this summer. John and I are already planning new patio furniture and stuff to make the out doors at our house a little more homey.
Also, finished my Harry Potter book. The movie came out over the weekend and I've not yet been to see it. Soon though. The book comes out this weekend. The last book. I'm going to get it and eventually read it but I'm kinda not looking forward to it. I just have a feeling that JK is taking the story to a place I don't want it to go. I was heart sick in reading the Half Blood Prince. I kinda had guessed who the half blood prince was but the ending. Oh the ending. I was just sick. I've started something else on purpose. I'm sure I'll save it till maybe fall. Maybe.
Getting ramped up (at least in my mind) for things I wanna get done soon:
-Clean out, paint & set up new sewing/yoga room
-Buy and install new carpet tiles for living room
-Rearrange bedroom and add headboard
-Sew some really cute summery tops
Oh and the joy of my entire week (well last week)was the fact that I got an entire day to just clean. Most people would just call me a sick person because I actually enjoyed it but man did I! I made a list and set to work. I cleaned every room (except for the sewing room). Last night once I finally got over all the dizziness of my pain pills, I picked up what happend while I was down and it still looks fab. I put up our new shower curtain too. Funny how small totally ridiculous things can make you so happy.
Things that are making me happy today:
-An unexpected present from a friend
-New babies (Name Brilynn Rose 7 lbs 11 oz)
-Citron Green (as in the color. Not sure)
-Half a Choc Chip Cookie (The first actual real food besides pasta I've been able to eat since seven days ago!!!)
Something else lovely happend right before my life was put on hold for an entire week. We got a new grill. It's not a super expensive one but pretty darn nice if you ask me. We grilled out steaks the day before my surg and I must say they were heaven. I'm excited to grill all kinds of other fun stuff this summer. John and I are already planning new patio furniture and stuff to make the out doors at our house a little more homey.
Also, finished my Harry Potter book. The movie came out over the weekend and I've not yet been to see it. Soon though. The book comes out this weekend. The last book. I'm going to get it and eventually read it but I'm kinda not looking forward to it. I just have a feeling that JK is taking the story to a place I don't want it to go. I was heart sick in reading the Half Blood Prince. I kinda had guessed who the half blood prince was but the ending. Oh the ending. I was just sick. I've started something else on purpose. I'm sure I'll save it till maybe fall. Maybe.
Getting ramped up (at least in my mind) for things I wanna get done soon:
-Clean out, paint & set up new sewing/yoga room
-Buy and install new carpet tiles for living room
-Rearrange bedroom and add headboard
-Sew some really cute summery tops
Oh and the joy of my entire week (well last week)was the fact that I got an entire day to just clean. Most people would just call me a sick person because I actually enjoyed it but man did I! I made a list and set to work. I cleaned every room (except for the sewing room). Last night once I finally got over all the dizziness of my pain pills, I picked up what happend while I was down and it still looks fab. I put up our new shower curtain too. Funny how small totally ridiculous things can make you so happy.
Things that are making me happy today:
-An unexpected present from a friend
-New babies (Name Brilynn Rose 7 lbs 11 oz)
-Citron Green (as in the color. Not sure)
-Half a Choc Chip Cookie (The first actual real food besides pasta I've been able to eat since seven days ago!!!)
-Fun collages
Hope you all are doing well...
Hope you all are doing well...
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