In other news, it's Monday AGAIN. This week however will be a short one and I'm thrilled about it. This weekend was wonderful and relaxing despite the rain and then the heat. Friday night we had date night. Went to eat Mongolia BBQ and then saw a movie. Actually the movie turned out to be very very funny and we both enjoyed ourselves loads. It's fun to have a date night sometimes. Saturday we slept in. Sickeningly late actually. We didn't have a lot of plans and with the torrential down pour that was going on outside we weren't in a major hurry to get out. We finally did though. Drove around looking at different places. Just a relaxing time. Decided to have some lunch. Went home and watched Kingdom of Heaven. It was pretty good. A little different than I expected but still good. By this time the weather had cleared up and we decided to head out to do some light shopping. John needed some new work pants, I was looking for a specific magazine. So we first went to B&N. They didn't have what we wanted. We then went to Borders (which more and more is earning my love and trust. They always have a better magazine selection than B&N and their little cafe is just the most fun two people and a pile of books could have. Well in public at least). We splurged a little and I got a sewing book I've been just dying for and this blessed magazine I wanted. We also got a book and workbook by a guy named Dave Ramsey. He's a financial advisor and has a radio show here in KC. John listens to him everyday. With John's new job paying a considerable amount more money than any job he's had and I getting ready (when the right one shows up) to move to another role and possibly make more money, we HAVE GOT TO do this right. We've got to figure out where all this stuff needs to go so that we don't just blow it on books and magazines. =) This guys book is amazing. John's more than half way done with it now. He's just glued. I will read it once he's done. Or at least try. Financial stuff really doesn't keep me rapped like it does John but we'll see. Anyway DR takes you through really more of a new attitude than a "let's get you right right now" plan. I'm really pretty excited about it. For the first time I can see John is too. I think we're really going to be able to make this happen and be wise with our money. I would recommend this book to any of you who are interested in the topic.
Anyways, back at Borders, we're sitting in two comfy chairs in the back when we realize there's music but not just the over head like usual. They had a live show that from what we stayed for was lovely. Just a gal and her guitar. Nothing fancy but those are the best kinds. Just plain old music from the heart.
Sunday we got up and met a friend of mine at our church. She actually attends there as well but neither of us knew it because we go to different service times. Such a cool service. We had a guest speaker. She's the author of the book "Real Sex" which is an interesting take on sexuality, marriage and how it relates to God/the church. John and I both loved that we were there for what she had to say. We then went out to lunch with my pal Roxi. She's getting ready to move into her first apartment without room mates and has no furniture. We headed out to Nebraska Furniture Mart for a little looking. Spent the rest of the evening doing laundry at Gran's house. Pretty relaxing, like I said.
John is working on his own this week. He's loving his new job. Easiest thing he's ever done and the crew of guys is great too. This week he's working 4 tens. Excited to have wed off as well.
Speaking of. Trying to figure out what Wed holds for us. We're thinking a trip up to watkins mill with the girls and a picnic lunch too. Then fire works in the evening. Just relaxing. I'm all about that lately. Can't WAIT to start on some sewing projects for summer. I have a gigantic list of things I want to sew or at least attempt. I read this really interesting article today on one of the many crafting web sites I frequent about what they called "refashioning" your wardrobe. There is actually a site where people go and "pledge" that they won't buy any new clothing for two, four or six months. They can only re purpose things they have, buy secondhand or create it themselves. There are a few exceptions (underwear, fabric, etc). I think it's a bloody good idea. I'm not going to sign up but think I will try to pledge a month to myself. See how I do. I've been itching to make summer skirts and pj pants for ages. All easy thing but things I never take the time to do. Maybe if the only thing I'm out shopping for is groceries, undies and fabric I will have plenty of time for just plain old living. I also wanna try and thrift or second hand the majority of stuff around our house. Our totally fabulous and completely comfortable couch is second hand, our dresser is second hand, our chair, our blanket chest. Only things really we bought were our mattress set and towels. I'm kinda excited about the challenge of it all. I know it will be tough. Really people, I'm the Target Queen but I can do this. I'll try and post periodical updates on my progress and pics of projects I'm working on or complete. Ya for Me! I'm sure John will be just thrilled. =)
Since I always feel obligated to provide something for your viewing pleasure, here is a couple pics of projects from me new sewing book...
Most of it's just pure eye candy for a girl like me. Not hard projects but fun. I'm in absolute LOVE with the elephant bag. Not sure why. The book also has home projects (aprons, curtains, pot holders). The most FUN sun hat ever. Can't wait to make that one. Just fun things to create that aren't complicated. That don't make me cry with frustration. No, I'm saving all that for the baby bedding I'm going to be making with in the next seven months for a friend. Yikes!

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