So I'm back to work today, it's cold outside AND I forgot my breakfast. Boo. Other than that, today is great! Holiday's are over for a bit now. We had a pretty good time this weekend. John's family seemed to be less obnoxious than normal. Maybe I'm just getting used to them. Our late Christmas turned out great. We got some nice things. Killian played Santa for about two point two seconds till he realized there were presents under the tree for him. It was pretty cute though. Hung out with Mom and Gary on Sunday too. Weather started getting gross though. The farther north we got the less yuck there was though. Monday was just hangin out. John spent some of his gift card money on some shoes he's wanted forever. He is cute.
Looking through all the pictures on the web of people's holiday craft projects has made me wanna get back in the swing. I haven't done anything crafty in ages and it's truly a passion of mine. Just love to make cute things that are unique and make people (and myself) smile. I think this year that will be something on my goals list. I don't normally make resolutions for new years. It seems like setting yourself up for being disappointed in yourself later if you don't do them all. This year I've thought of a few things though that makes sense and are easily done with little effort:
-Get back to crafting. Bakin, sewing, painting.
-Get healthy. I don't wanna lose X amount of weight. It shouldn't be about that. I wanna start eating right and exercising for myself. I don't want to feel like I have to buy disposable clothing because I'm waiting to get thin to buy nice things. I just need to stop being lazy and be healthy.
-Focus on being a great wife. I got a great great book for Christmas that I've started reading on this subject. It's opend my eyes a lot. I'm not always going to be perfect but being the wife God intended is important.
I feel like three is a good attainable goal. Three things that I can actually reach. Not fifteen really out there resolutions that I'll never got around to or feel overwhelmed each time I look at the list. Ok, your turn. What are some of your new years goals?
Oh! I wanted to write to the gals who read my blog. I discovered a new to me magazine

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