Sunday was church. Killer message. Tim just gets better and better. Feel free to download it here and listen for free. It's actually a two parter. Both are out there.
Water heater is getting fixed on Friday. Will be glad to have that done. Makes me nervous something in my house not working properly. I miss Maggie. I'm a terrible mother to her little kittiness. I'm excited to get that old PC out of the office. I'm excited to get my sewing studio decked out and running. Spring wardrobe here we come!!!! I'm also realized that I REALLY miss thrifting. I have done it in ages. I miss the thrill of finding really great shoes or a great book for next to nothing. I just haven't been honest with myself about who I am in that space and I'm totally a thrifter. It's fun to take a Saturday and just hunt around the shops for cheap stuff that's either already cute or you can cut up and make into something else cute.
Oh and last piece of news for today. I think my hair is getting whacked off again. I've been trying to grow it but I get to this stage where I can't remember why. I'm not a long hair person am I? It's pretty but I'm not sure it's for me. I mean everyone else has it first of all (which I really like doing my own thing, as we all know) and it's just so much blowdrying/hairspray. I hate hairspray. So in the spirit of hair cuts, what do we think of this? I've had it before and it's EASY and OH how I love easy. Plus, I'm so ready for spring to spring. This is festive for Spring. We'll see. I'm not rushing. That's something I'm getting increasingly good at is not rushing into thing. That ability could have only come from God because I'm the ultimate rusher. And...GO!

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