So went to the doc on Tuesday and much to my surprise he's put me on bed rest AND wants to induce me on Tuesday the 17th. Maybe it was because I cried when he asked how I was doing. Maybe it was the insane looking rash that's covering my body making me itch like I'm a crazy person. Who knows, all I know is that I'm hope today for the first full day, resting in bed. Seems I'm glad I only have to do this for a few days because I would have been nuts if he had put me on bed rest a month ago or something. I'm not good at resting. For sure right now when I feel like there is so much to be done and so much I want to do. I know, I know. Rest while you can, you won't have time later to rest. Sleep while you're able. Yeah, yeah. I can only sleep so much. I keep laying here thinking about how this is the last five days of my life before I'm a mom forever. Not in a bad way, just in a "WOW" sort of way. We're pretty prepared at this point. Mostly. Room is all but done, hospital bags are waiting by the door, etc. Emotionally, we are all holding up pretty well too. Sometimes it hits us both and we kinda have a mini panic attack. I kept thinking it would be better to know when she is coming and now that I know, I kinda liked it the other way around. I'm happy though. Happy to know she could come at anytime but will definitely come no later than Tuesday. I was dilated to a 2 when I say him Tuesday. So progress. Hopefully because my body is already making it's way toward labor induction won't be as bad. I've heard it's a lot worse than if your body goes in naturally but the doc says it shouldn't be any worse because we aren't starting from ground zero. We'll see. I'm scared to death to have this baby. Really only because I have always been scared of three things since I was a child (getting my drivers license, getting my wisdom teeth taken out and having a baby). I've managed two of the three up till now.
In other cute news, here are some shots from H's mostly done room:

Top: Her crib of course with the super cute quilt mom made. Next: The super awesome mobile mom and I made last weekend. Next: H's fuzzy white lamp and wall color. I love the wall color. Well and the lamp. Next: Some books I purchased awhile ago for H. Also, the dog toy used to be mine when I was younger. Thank God mom keeps everything. Next: Hazel pillow mom made to match the quilt and H's Fox Jitter Pal, in which I am obsessed.
More room photos once the curtains get hung and pictures got on the walls. I don't have my rocking chair yet either but that's coming soon enough.
More later...
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