Now Him. The Mr went on Sunday to play paintball with some friends from work. His first time. He loved it and had a great time of course. He came back with only a few welts (notice the nasty one on his arm in the above pic) and a lot of fun stories to tell.
We're suppose to get snow today. Was suppose to come overnight I think but we got nothing. Snow doesn't seem as exciting now however since I have to drive in it and it rarely gets me out of work. I am looking forward to seeing that first big beautiful snow this season though. After that, I'm pretty much over it.
Work continues on our house. We're still in the prep stages as far as doing all the small little things that really make a big impact once the paint goes on the walls. Dad put on all the pulls for my kitchen cabinets yesterday. We picked out a cute mini ceiling fan for the kitchen over the weekend too. Got the back splash ripped off and picked out new tile for that. We just have to make a decision about the counter tops before the back splash can go up. Can't remember if I mentioned here or not. I've changed the green color for the main living space. Less sage, more of a yellow green. More us for sure. That should go on the walls soon. Oh and we've also decided to add a new five shelf cabinet in our kitchen/entry way area for linen storage/food storage. For some reason my house doesn't have a real linen closet and we end up stashing towels and sheets where ever we can. I'm so excited to have a place to actually put all that now. A really life linen closet!
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