So sadly the weekend is over and everyone is back to work. John actually worked Saturday as well, so it doesn't really seem like we got much of a weekend. We did get out a little on Saturday night and I got a few great things for the house. I've been in a major nesting mode lately and wanting to make our very bland and boring house more us. Give it more personality. Same old story but as always I've had trouble deciding on paint colors or fabric swatches. I think I've finally nailed it all down and now feel comfortable actually buying things. Got these fun accessories:

The colors here are more muted than in real life but basically, it's a really cute aqua bath mat, a "wicker" (as John calls anything woven) low tray and a dark brown, green and cream vase. I spent all day yesterday cleaning things up around the house. Only part of the baby room left to do. Well and move some furniture around. Then I can start making progress. More pictures to come of all that soon.
In other news, I bought new socks for the coming season. I know that's not big news in some circles but just look at how fun these socks are. You may change your mind:

Also, the ever dramatic Yorda thought it was about time she redeemed herself from the last photos she appeared in here on my blog.
The Profile Shot:

The Diva Shot:

Also, I must mention how wonderful my husband actually is. I mean we all know he's a great guy but seriously, He drove me all over KC looking for a Cinnamon Apple candle yesterday. We found a ton of them but none of them where to my liking. He kept his cool and drove me to the next store I could think of probably six times. Finally at the last one we found something. Not actually a Cinnamon apple one at all but something I loved and wanted. God Bless Him...
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