Of a little house in the woods. A little weekend getaway place. I think it all started when I was thinking about the house my Mom and I used to live in before I married John. It was a tiny strange little house. Rooms that seemed to be just tacked on as after thoughts, secret hiding cubbies, original everything. It was old but seemed enchanted almost. At least to me. We had a huge yard that backed up to a small pond and some woods.

We were in the middle of nowhere it seemed like. I loved the sun porch and how we moved the furniture around a lot. Life was slower then. Things like baking and doing laundry were magical somehow. Funny how you look back on times in your life and the pictures you have in your head all seem to glow. We had tons of plants and flowers around us and that to me has a large part to do with it. I'm terrible at plants.

Anyway, thinking about all that lately and then I ran onto these photos from Blue Print magazine. I've seen them before, I have this magazine at my house but I love this little house.

It reminds me of the charm that our old house had and how I hope that someday we can have a little spot like this someplace tucked away. A place I can not be afraid to decorate in bright colors because there is tons of light streaming in the windows. A place where all the dishes can be mismatched and the bedding soft with years of use.

A place my kids can play outside in the sunshine and make memories just like I did...
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