Friday night John and I did a little shopping. I planned to look for a black cardigan and walked out with three dresses, a green cardigan, three necklaces, one pair of earrings, a ring and a hat. Sheesh. Got all of it from a store I love because I can buy all that stuff for under $150. Summer work clothes: Check. Once we got home I was all charged up to get out all my spring and summer clothes. I packed up most of the cold weather stuff and busted out all my summer shoes. As you can see, that's no small task.
Sunday we slept in just a little, drove around doing our weekly chores. Sams, Target, Dog Food Place, etc. Got home and napped. Did laundry and read for the rest of the night.
Made some dinner in these new Ziploc steamer bags that I mentioned before. OMG! I'm in love. I threw in my frozen solid chicken breast and some seasonings. Cooked it for four minutes. Opened it up, threw in my fresh broccoli and seasoned again. Three more minutes and it was perfection. Perfection I tell you. That and a salad equalled a really nice and SUPER easy dinner. Check them out on the Ziploc website. There are a ton of recipes to get you started or you can just be boring like me and do protein and veggies.
Today I'm feeling fuzzy headed. Like I've got a ton of pressure in my head and every time I swallow, my ears pop. Hate that. It's cloudy but warm here today. I'm looking forward to being home tonight. We've come up with a new plan of attack for tackling the much needed organization around our house. We're going to pick one small task a night. Like tonight we're going to completely empty and redo the shelf in our laundry room. It's one of our main storage places. Whatever we buy in bulk gets stored here. Animal food, dryer sheets, red bull. But there's a ton of clutter on the bottom shelves that is taking up valuable space. So that's our plan. One small 20 to 30 minute task a night. Then if I feel so inclined I can continue on with cleaning of the kitchen, bathroom and doing laundry. Those things that need done with great frequency. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Also, I've been reading a ton about healthy eating lately. I've not been very disciplined in a while and REALLY have to get back on the eating healthfully at most meals and doing some sort of activity each day. So far, so good. This morning for breakfast, I did Grape Nuts w Blueberry Yogurt and Fresh Strawberries. It was tastier than expected. Fruit and some veggies are hard for me. I'm not exactly in love with them but I do feel like I can ease myself into linking some new ones this summer. I'm trying at least...
1 comment:
So where did you go eat? I don't recognize the table nor your description. Glad you had a good time even with the issues of the theater patrons with whom you were seated.
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