Monday, March 31, 2008
Weekend Wrap Up
Friday, March 28, 2008
Stuff I Like...

The Dyson Animal vac. I got's to have one. This Dyson is special for people with pets. And boy do I have pets.

Funny Thing About Me

Thursday, March 27, 2008
What Have I Been Up To?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Spring Reading

This may be my very favorite book of all time. Yes, it gives Harry Potter a run for his money. It's so inspiring and full of tips on simplifying your life and style. I often feel like I have to much going on (style and life wise) and long for simplicity. This book always brings me back to my heart.
It's funny to me (and I'm not sure when I'm going to get used to this fact about myself) that all these books are "domestic". Cooking, cleaning and style. I long to be the modern day June Clever and have no problem admitting it. Wish I was as good at keeping house as doing financial expense reports. Sigh...
Post Easter Jiggle and Organization

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Amazing Thing for the Day
I Thought We'd Never Make It

More later...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Sometimes I Wonder...

Monday, March 17, 2008
Forgot to Mention

Stuff and Things

Rainy here today again. At least it's not snow. Got my spring handbag over the weekend. Got a heck of a deal on it too. Didn't even realize it till I looked it up online.
Heading out on Friday night for my Mom's house. Can't wait to get there. It's always so calm and relaxing there. Even when we end up going someplace it's still just nice. I can't believe it's about to be Easter already. Seems like this year is flying by.
More later...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Exciting Stuff and Things

Sorry about the flash on the second one. Anyways, I love these rooms. They are void of pretty much all color but make me want to relax and watch a movie. I love the tones of brown with the green plants mixed in. Natural, calm, cozy. I find it interesting that in my life I'm drawn to very muted colors. Grey is my favorite color people. Grey. I love navy and the every exciting mocha. I do like a good burgundy here and there too. Sigh...I'm boring.
In more fun news, I totally hate myself for loving these...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
So Here's What I Don't Get

Tis The Season For A Peep Show

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Theme Party?
Not likely.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Just My Luck...
I love them. They will go with everything too. I can wait for sleeveless dresses and sandals. Of course it's only 26 out here today. Yuck. Got two dress patterns yesterday from a sewing site I joined. These three gals come up with cool patterns and put them online for you to download.

Both are going to be super easy and I can just think of endless fabrics that I would love these in. I plan to make a battery of these for summer.
OH! Also, I've been talking about getting into photography more. I've been doing some research on cameras and what I need for my skill level and what I want to do. I've decided on a camera and I'm super excited!!! The Nikon D40. It's suppose to be super easy to use, light weight, and takes amazing photos. Even for a beginner like me. It's not cheap of course and I'll have to save up to get it but MAN am I excited. Hopefully I can have it by summer and take a ton of photos of everything.
Not much else going on lately. This weekend we're going to a friends birthday party and then if it's warmish, cleaning up our backyard. It's pretty ghetto back there. Also, I want to change the layout of the furniture at our house and do some pre-spring cleaning. We'll see.