I don't like the idea of making resolutions. People always put so much pressure on themselves to come up with a list of things they want to do in the new year and then feel terrible about themselves when they fall off the wagon. I'm content just knowing that everyday of 2009 will be an adventure of some sort. Might be just something as simple as Hazel slept for four hours straight but I'm going to be thankful for every single day of it.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year, New Life
I don't like the idea of making resolutions. People always put so much pressure on themselves to come up with a list of things they want to do in the new year and then feel terrible about themselves when they fall off the wagon. I'm content just knowing that everyday of 2009 will be an adventure of some sort. Might be just something as simple as Hazel slept for four hours straight but I'm going to be thankful for every single day of it.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Forgot to Mention
Holiday & Hazel
Friday, December 19, 2008
Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
Thursday, December 11, 2008
How Many?
-There are 246,220 people in the U.S. with the first name Hazel.
-Statistically the 271st most popular first name.
-There are 835,008 people in the U.S. with the last name Martin.
-Statistically the 16th most popular last name.
-There are 672 people in the U.S. named Hazel Martin.
We just thought we were being unique!!! Find out how many people in the US have your name here:
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Mini Obsession
I have a strange love for paper stuffs recently. These hand printed cards are so pretty and sweet. Maybe I would do more hand written notes. OR I could just save them and look at them.
I'm down right nuts over this bicycle mug for some odd reason. Maybe it's because of the color or the fact that I've totally been wanting a old school bike lately. Not sure, but I love it. See it and tons of other cute here: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=81916
I know what you're thinking, "Another Bag?" but seriously, this one is super cute. I love the light color for spring/summer and the texture of the gathering. PLUS, it's called the Hazelnut Mini Truffle bag. I mean seriously, it's named after my child for heaven sake. Of course I love it! See it and more here: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5531346
Lastly, this sweet necklace. I think it would be adorable to get mine with J, N & H for our fast approaching new family. Such a cute idea. See it and more stuffs here: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5600180
This year I'm thinking a ton about home made gifts. Not because I don't love to buy things or because money is an issue per say. I just can't seem to get homemade coolness out of my head. I'm cooking up a list of great gifts for the people in my family. Can't wait to share pics with you when the holiday is over. Can't share now because it would give away the surprise!!!
We did end up getting snow yesterday. Enough to make driving home interesting but not enough to keep us all home from work. I actually was stuck at home for two hours today because we live on a steep road with a lot of shade trees shading the road from sun lights. The tiny amount of ice that was out there was right in my way. Oh well...
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Rachel W
She & Him
Now Him. The Mr went on Sunday to play paintball with some friends from work. His first time. He loved it and had a great time of course. He came back with only a few welts (notice the nasty one on his arm in the above pic) and a lot of fun stories to tell.
We're suppose to get snow today. Was suppose to come overnight I think but we got nothing. Snow doesn't seem as exciting now however since I have to drive in it and it rarely gets me out of work. I am looking forward to seeing that first big beautiful snow this season though. After that, I'm pretty much over it.
Work continues on our house. We're still in the prep stages as far as doing all the small little things that really make a big impact once the paint goes on the walls. Dad put on all the pulls for my kitchen cabinets yesterday. We picked out a cute mini ceiling fan for the kitchen over the weekend too. Got the back splash ripped off and picked out new tile for that. We just have to make a decision about the counter tops before the back splash can go up. Can't remember if I mentioned here or not. I've changed the green color for the main living space. Less sage, more of a yellow green. More us for sure. That should go on the walls soon. Oh and we've also decided to add a new five shelf cabinet in our kitchen/entry way area for linen storage/food storage. For some reason my house doesn't have a real linen closet and we end up stashing towels and sheets where ever we can. I'm so excited to have a place to actually put all that now. A really life linen closet!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Christmas Time
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
We're Makin Progress Now
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Things to Look Forward To...
I'm also looking forward to a new fancy camera. It's all I really want for christmas, new year, valentines day, birthday, 8th year anniversary. Yeah, I figure it will be the last thing I get for awhile but it will be worth it because I can bring you amazing shots that only I can come up with. With Hazel on the way I feel more than ever like I need to document life each day. I've not done a great job of it so far but soon my job will change and I'll have more time to just think up new things/ways to photograph things. New fancy cameras help a lot too.
It's Almost Here!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Infectious Giving
Our church is doing an amazing thing this year. They've set out to donate 10,000 pounds of food to local shelters and local families in need. That's a huge number and seems impossible to me alone but every week thousands of pounds of food get delivered by people around the northland that want to help out. It's been amazing. John and I filled up eight grocery bags for the cause this time. It feels so good to give stuff away. It's always nice to get stuff but it's far more rewarding to give it away. Not everyone has money or time to give away, that's understandable BUT if God has blessed you with something (time, money, a passion for a specific cause), use it. Give it away like it's on fire. God's blessed John and I in the area of money right now and I'm so thrilled to be able to buy food for needing families or to buy a new coat for a teenage girl who's family can't afford a new one. It helps me keep my life in perspective. Seriously, how many pairs of shoes do I really need? How many lip glosses can I really use at once? I often feel like we get caught up in the things we want and neglect to think about why God's given us the resources we have. I'm not suggesting we sell our homes, move into shacks and give all our personal belongings away. I think God wants us to enjoy our lives (Get new shoes, have cozy bed sheets, eat out sometimes) but I also think He calls us to be wise with our lives. Wise with our resources.
These are just random thoughts I've tried to put together to make full sentences. I know it possibly doesn't make a lot of sense at this point. I'm sure I'll continue to bring pieces of this puzzle out in the coming weeks. Below is an article I linked to from our pastor's blog. It's basically about infectious giving. Take a read...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Yesterday I mentioned I cleaned my house and was kinda freaked about it. That feeling only compounded itself when I got home last night and realized all I had to do was make dinner. Even Hazel's (well Dad's temp room starting tomorrow) room is clean. John and I were marveling at how never in our marriage have we not had a junk room or at least corner. The only place left to tackle is my crafting desk. It's covered in, well crafting stuff. I don't really have enough storage for all that and I find myself wanting to get into other crafts now as well. One step at a time I guess.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Who Are You and What Have You Done With Naomi?
BTW, The pics aren't the things I bought but if I didn't have a preggy belly I would. I got things like hat, scarf, gloves, house slippers, etc. I'm excited to get a puffy jacket and vest next year though AND wear real jeans again.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Not Much
New canisters, new knee high stockings, some pretty flowers, some fuzzy yarn that is planned to be a cute bunny animal for my Hazel. Also, in the shot with my canisters, you can see a tiny orange bowl. That's actually a set of really cool tiny bowls/measuring cups that I'm totally in love with. I'm on an orange kick again.
5:00pm can't come soon enough today...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Montage to The Cuteness That Is John
This was before we tried to cross that water you see behind us. We of course got the thing stuck and the funniest story every told unfolded. All I will say is that it involved my mom standing in her underwear in the middle of that water trying to pull us out using her pants as a tow rope. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying just thinking about it.
This funny shot is of John dressed up for my dad's pirate birthday party. That in itself isn't the funny part. They funny part came when we all came home late full of piss and vinegar. The boys decided to steal the target practice deer from the neighbor behind them to put on the back porch looking into the kitchen window of the other neighbor. I'm pretty sure they started WW3.
Then we have...
This was from my 25th birthday party. We had a huge bash at Gran's house with family and work folks. Tons of food and of course booze. I'm not sure if it was the mixing of the booze or the excitement of all the new people he's met that night but we found John a few hours later passed out hugging the toilet in my Grandma's bathroom with the towel bar ripped off the wall. He spent the night in there as he was completely against sleeping in an actual bed that night.Last but certainly not least. The Darth Martin head gear. He used to wear this to play video games till I made him put it in the attic. I'm a mean and evil wife, I know.
I gotta say, he always manages to keep me laughin. Love his guts more than I can ever say.
New Cuteness For Me
Monday, November 03, 2008
Also, the time change spent the entire weekend messing with my head. I'm finally getting around to liking the idea of it (not that I had much choice). I got up an hour early today and felt totally awake. I got a ton of little things done around the house before I had to leave for work. I felt like Wonder Woman!
Tonight John and I are going to try and tame the wild forest of leaves in our front year. We have to huge trees in the front and a ton of big-ish ones in the back. Our little old people neighbors are out in their yards every morning raking leaves and trying to make us feel bad. Hasn't worked so far but I am getting tired of every time I open the front door a gust of crunchies fly in. The cat loves it, I however have to sweep it up.
Hope everyone was able to get out and vote today. As I get older I see more and more the importance of it. I've heard horror stories today of people waiting in line for around 3 hours to make their mark. Crazy times.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Who knows what we're going on about. Bet you can't guess what is costume is. ZOMBIE...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Hat Obsession
Thursday, October 23, 2008
She's nearly a foot long now. We keep calling her out little chili cheese coney. Last night I had a terrible time sleeping. She was awake and kicking around 1am. Got up and had some choc milk to calm her down. Just like her mom a good dose of sugar will chill her right out. Finally got back to sleep on the couch (yes the couch. The bed really isn't very comfortable for some reason) and then around three something I woke up with a cramp in my leg. Up walking around for ten minutes trying to get it to calm down. Alarm at 5:30. Sigh...
At least today is sunny though. Hopefully that will keep me awake and motivated to work. Hopefully.