Autumn is finally here. Something about it getting cold makes me wanna clean the house and decorate. Maybe it's because I know I'm about to be trapped in there for months that does it. I dunno. I started looking around this morning at cute decoration stuff that would be easy and reflect our style all the same. I've found a house I love online that I'm using for inspiration. I found a table I want that is affordable and will look great in our small place. I also found the about print. Simple but so cute. I love it for the kitchen. I think I'm going to reproduce it for our place. Maybe put it above the fridge. I'm also ready to rip up the carpet and put down tile in the living room. I know what I want there too. Just going out and getting it. I guess mostly just doing it. We've got to get the laundry room battle over with first and foremost however. We're a frogs hair away too. I can feel victory on the horizon! Bookshelves. That's what we really need. Bookshelves. More later I'm sure...
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