So I've finally had some help figuring out what I have to do to get my photos from my new camera. Well it's easy, of course but how was I to know?! The party was awesome and a lot of people came. We had tons of food and booze. The dj was great and the weather was perfect. Also, visit with Dad was nice too. Really nice to have him in town. Got some great pics. Some of them I took and some I didn't. They are pretty large files, so I'm going to post a few at a time. I'm not feeling very wordy at the moment. Still just so tired. I almost don't feel well I'm so tired but I can't seem to get caught up. I need a day off. To do nothing. Alas, I think I won't have one of those for a bit. Lots to do. Clean up and put away and get rid of at our house. Anyway, enough whining. On with the show!

My Boys
My and my two friends, Alison & Tiffany.
Me & another close friend, Roxi.
Me & JZ slow dancin to 16 Candles. My friend Steph in the background with the pink shirt.
John being John
I know what you're thinking, "Where is Patti?" Well she was there but we had some many separate guest that we didn't get to hang out at the party together at all. We didn't even get one photo together. Sad.
It WAS a crazy night though...
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