Friday, August 31, 2007
And So I'm 25
So my birthday was just fab. My peeps at work threw this great little potluck party and put up signs & flowers on my desk. I got floods of emails with warm wishes for my special day. AND then, went home and John told me he was taking me to Red Lobster. You may not know this about me but I'm not a huge fan of The Red Lobster but non the less, I smiled and said I was excited. He went back to getting himself ready for about ten minutes. He came back. "Well, maybe we should go to Outback instead" Well I'm never one to turn down the sweet treat of a steak. So I smiled and said I was excited. Then ten more minutes later he comes back and says "Well actually I couldn't really come up with anything cool, so we're going to 54 street" So again I smile and say that will be great. So about this time Gran arrives and we get into the car. She starts driving but not towards any of the restaurants he mentioned. So I'm racking my brain to figure out where we are going. We end up at LaBodega. One of my absolute favorite places. It's just cool. The atmosphere is cool, the food is killer and the sangria is just to DIE for. It was heaven. We eat, drank and laughed for almost four hours. Chocolate cake on the house too. Here are a few snaps...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Party People Everywhere but I'm Still Tired...
So I've finally had some help figuring out what I have to do to get my photos from my new camera. Well it's easy, of course but how was I to know?! The party was awesome and a lot of people came. We had tons of food and booze. The dj was great and the weather was perfect. Also, visit with Dad was nice too. Really nice to have him in town. Got some great pics. Some of them I took and some I didn't. They are pretty large files, so I'm going to post a few at a time. I'm not feeling very wordy at the moment. Still just so tired. I almost don't feel well I'm so tired but I can't seem to get caught up. I need a day off. To do nothing. Alas, I think I won't have one of those for a bit. Lots to do. Clean up and put away and get rid of at our house. Anyway, enough whining. On with the show!

My Boys
My and my two friends, Alison & Tiffany.
Me & another close friend, Roxi.
Me & JZ slow dancin to 16 Candles. My friend Steph in the background with the pink shirt.
John being John
I know what you're thinking, "Where is Patti?" Well she was there but we had some many separate guest that we didn't get to hang out at the party together at all. We didn't even get one photo together. Sad.
It WAS a crazy night though...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Ages and Ages...
So It's been awhile I know but I'm here now. Life has been extraordinarily busy over the last few weeks. Still hasn't slowed but I'm taking time to write because I miss it. Not necessarily because I have tons to say.
Texas was good. Hot but good. Seeing family and letting them know you love them after someone dies is always a nice thing. Hard but nice. I hate to watch my little Gaga cry but sometimes it is a part of life. We did some shopping at usual but mostly just hung out with friends and family. Cooked and ate way more than one needs to keep your body going. I did manage to get a few early morning walks in however. I also managed to read a very large portion of the seventh and final Harry Potter book. I tried to pace myself because honestly I just don't want the story to be over with. I'm on chapter 25. Still lots of story to go but sadness is already filling my heart for the end. The book is wonderful though. Been pretty action packed and lots of great writing. Seems like JK came back to herself on this one. Glad she did.
This last week and almost a half have been very busy. Lots of things we're trying to get done while Gran is home this time and then when I have an hour to be at home, all I wanna do is just sit and do nothing. Not the best. Tonight however I'm taking the entire night to clean up and get ready for Dad to roll in Thursday night.
I really can't believe my birthday party is this weekend. I'm so looking forward to it. Loads of people coming and it should be something to remember. I've always wanted some big party like this. It's gonna be a blast! I got my digital camera over the weekend and plan to take lots of pictures. I love love love my camera too. It's super tiny and the pics are great. I also got the Wii version of the new Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix game. I'm super excited to play it.
Also visited a REALLY cool craft shop over the weekend. Made me so excited to try some new crafts and create some really neat things for myself and friends. They had all these amazing beads and yarn skeins. I was just in heaven. Oh and the fabric! Ahhhh. It's madness. I'm planning what I'm going to do with this extremely cute dark grey cotton with a mid sized creamy yellow polka dot. I'm thinking maybe kitchen curtains or a duvet cover. I can't decide. I do know I love it and want it. 

Saturday, August 04, 2007
And So There Was Bourne and Popcorn...

Pretty much sums up our evening. Work drug by at the speed of snails till I was super rushed right at the end of the day and ended up getting out of there late. Home only to change and grab John. Running out the door. Felt like I was in a Bourne movie myself for a minute. 7:00 show to get to. Got there about 20 minutes before hand (of course I was nervous because as we all know I inherited this lovely sitting anywhere but the back row phobia from my dad) and we were pleasantly surprised to find three seats in the very back. The movie was great. Lots of actions (of course), lots of flashbacks (of course) and lots of revenge. Typical Jason Bourne. Still some great fight stuff and of course a car chase worth your nine dollars. You'll never look at a VW SUV the same way again.
Woke up today and an ungodly hour of 5:30. Couldn't go back to sleep. After a little less than an hour of rolling around in bed trying to sleep, I just got up and I'm here.
Gran got in last night from the extremely long trip back from Sydney. Not to late thankfully. She was actually able to get into bed at a decent hour. I'm headed over there today to help her wash every stick of clothing she has worn over the last eight weeks so we can back most of it back into a suitcase. We fly out tomorrow around 4 for TX. I've still yet to pack myself up. Plenty of time I guess. I'm always the "gotta pack three days before a trip" person. I'm excited to see Gaga but not excited to see her cry. I know this trip will have some difficult moments. I've really no idea what we will do while there. Hopefully Gran will just be able to sit and do nothing for a week. Yeah Right.
Started the last Harry Potter book. I figured I better get busy reading it because all the people I know how love the story have already finished it and keep trying to talk to me about it. Guess I'll have a weeks worth of time to read it. I'll need it too because it's massive. I've been trying to read before I go to sleep each night on it but it's so big I've got to sit up in bed to hold the darn thing. I also got a magazine that has a 36 page HP spread but I'm saving it for after I'm done with the book as well. I don't want it to tell me anymore than I already know about this one.
Anyways, I'll try and pop in during the week. I'm working virtually three days, so I know I'll be online. Just not sure from where.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
It's Offical, I've Gone Mad

We got four new fish in the company tank today. I feed them everyday and so you know I kinda love them as my own. Anyway, so we got four new ones today. Angel Fish. I named them. I've always had this naming thing. Really. Ask my mom. So one is smaller and grey-of COURSE his name is Harry, small orange one-Ron, medium black with an attitude-Severus, last but not least big, majestic, black and grey striped-Sirius. I think he's my favorite. Don't tell Harry though.
Beautiful Dream
So last night I had a really cool dream. I'd just gotten a job working for a really amazing natural lifestyle magazine for the youngsters of our age. Very hip and very natural. I was walking around the giant office, which was decorated so cool. Lots of colors, organic fabrics piled to the ceiling, trendy nice people every where. No cubes but open desk space where creativity could flow over the walls and out into the street. I felt a little out of my league but was still in totally awe that these people deemed me cool enough to work here. I was told to go down to the magazine room and meet with my new boss. I got lost but found some really cool rooms along the way. A pottery class, a guided tour of our offices, knitting workshops and then the magazine room. I opened the rustic aqua door to a basement room full of magazines on crispy white racks. Loads of them all there waiting for someone to look at them. My boss was in a meeting gathered around a lime green picnic table with a few other interesting looking characters. He was older than all the other employees but by far the most funky of all of us. He was medium height, very tan, wore long shorts, flip flops and a vintage tee. Best of all, he had long and very dark dreads. He was cool and he was nice. I remember feeling like it was to good to be true to have gotten this amazing job and that I hoped I would be good enough to keep it. He took me on a mini tour and brought me to my office. My OWN office. So perfect. Windows overlooking the wooded area beyond, fun bohemian furniture in bright colors placed around the large cement room. Large bulletin boards with shiny stainless steel tacks & a new shiny white apple laptop waiting on my desk. I met my assistant. Cute Cute Cute girl with short red hair and a funky vintage dress. I remember thinking "Weird I've got an assistant. I'm used to being the assistant". Then I woke up. Hm.
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