My week has been uneventful. Just working, cleaning, reading and eating. Same as always. Since I'm going to be locked up in the house this weekend watching the weather suck, I figure I'll get some cooking (chili sounds good right now), sewing (still working on that doggid grey dress) and reading (trying NOT to read the new Harry Potter book I have. I keep staring at it on the shelf. Harry is calling out to me. Alas, I've committed my reading focus to another for a titch. Harry my heart still belongs to you though) done. I think I might even venture out into the land of sewing pants this weekend too. Nothing complex. Just some simple drawstring wide leg pants. It's really more a game of how crazy can I make myself in one weekend. I'm betting on pretty nuts. That my friends is the actual technical term for it.
I'm in a strange mood. Not sure why per say. I just am. I'm also in the buying clothes mood. More in the buying shoes mood. Target has these CUTE flip flops I want and then Payless has these CUTE brown heels I want. I'm not sure I'll get either. I seem to be more tentative about clothing in my older age. What's with that?
Oh! Something fun coming up within the next week or so...Kate has a new house. Well sort of. Her Honey bought the one next door and it's just a god awful mess. She is single handedly doing demo work on it. Silly Girl! Jz & I are going to go up this next week and bust out the crow bars. I'm so excited to demolish stuff. Funny how people get into that. Check out the state of the house now. It's got a long way to go but it's cute and will be OH SO Cute when it's done.
These pics are from what it looked like when they walked in. Kate has done some major plaster, carpet and other yuck stuff removal since.

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