So the big news is coming true. I wasn't sure if it was real or not but turns out, it is. We're moving. Not far, yet. We're putting our house up on the market on Oct 5th. We'll be staying with family for a bit and then moving out to San Francisco CA for my husbands job. It's going to be strange, first of all, not living in this house. We've lived here almost five years now. It's been a great house for us (even in it's smallness). Lots of our life has happened here.

I always thought I would be happy to see this place in the rear view mirror for the last time but now that we're moving in that direction, it seems weird. Not happy like I thought. We're moving in with family, like I said. The house is huge and new and amazing. I'm not sure if I will know how to deal with a big bathroom and a fireplace, sun porch, awesome kitchen, full basement. All those things overwhelm me at this point but it will be nice for Hazel to have so much space to crawl around and explore. I am excited for cooler weather at the new house. It's a cozy place with lots of lazy places to read and eat hot soup and watch the leaves fall. It's a new chapter in our lives. Feels good, feels weird. We're running around here trying to get everything packed and fixed and what not. Lots of little projects that we always meant to do that now HAVE to get done. Of course the house will look amazing once we are done, which will make it even harder to say good bye. I hope whomever buys it has some great memories here like we have.
I'll tell more details on SF as I know them. We don't have a for sure timeline yet or anything. I can't wait to document our trip out there and our new life. Still some time before all that though.
Oh! In other news, heck I almost forgot. I'm getting a new camera. A Nikon D40, I think. It's a great camera but most importantly, it's easy. I like easy and for sure when it makes you look like an awesome photographer. Might be another two weeks till my life has calmed down enough for me to go buy it but knowing it's on it's way is sweet.
I'm also REALLY excited about the weather we've been having. Pretty cool. Perfect for soup and sweaters. I'm so excited about cooler weather that I spend ever spare second I have lately looking for new soup recipes, cozy hang out clothes or new books to read. I think I'm really going to enjoy this fall/winter for the first time in a long time. Not being forced to go out to work on a snowy gross day really changes your perspective on the weather. It makes you stop and look at it as a little gift that you can be cozy inside with your little bundle of sweet baby guts and a nice cup of hot tea.

Speaking of Hazel. She's growing up like a weed. She's waving now and growling too. It's so funny. It's amazing how fast she learns. We taught her to wave in like three days and then yesterday we started trying to teach her to clap and she's already doing it. She's got such a fun little personality. She's been a little sick recently with a cold. Her first. She doesn't act all that grumpy but she ends up not napping well or eating baby food well. She wants that comfort of a bottle and momma holdin her. I can't blame her really.
Well, guess I better get back to packing boxes. I kinda just stand around trying to figure out what the heck to do for a while but then it kicks in and I pack a bunch of stuff. Hopefully this process will be over soon, even though it will be sad.