Friday, February 29, 2008
See, It's Not Just A Shoe Blog!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
But I Didn't Know I Had A Problem Then

Really though, that's the most exciting thing going here lately. I was shocked somehow to realize that it's actually Thursday and not Wed. Yay for me!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Back to Work Again...

Me in our bathroom. Love our shower curtain in this photo.
Me with no glasses. I like me with no glasses sometimes. Notice the giant pile of stuff behind me. Sheesh.
Also, finally unpacked the Texas stuff. Ten million of the peanut things in that box. That was part of why I waited so long to unpack it. I just new the cat was going to be in the big middle of all of it. I managed to keep him out though. Here are some of the things I got. For some reason I didn't take a photo of the really cool quilt.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
And Now Let Me Direct Your Attention to the Right...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I Have A Serious Problem...

So it's always weird to read or hear what people think about you or how they think you are preforming. Today my manager sent out my review feedback for me to look over. Wow. It's for some reason sometimes hard to read nice things being said about you and I'm not sure why that it. Once I got done reading it all I could say was "wow."
So all the plans I had last night to cook and clean kinda didn't happen. I ended up watching the two hour Biggest Losers-Couples and then Law and Order. Seriously I'm a sucker for that show. If I just hear that noise at the beginning I'm hooked. Almost never fails. I hope to be more productive tonight but who knows what will really happen.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Went home last night and decided I would be a super cool wife and since I was sick on V-day make John some chocolate chip cookies. By some miracle I had all the stuff and a new recipe book. So I made dinner and whipped up some "tasty treats". Well, I'm not sure what I did wrong or how the recipe was jacked up but I ended up with little cow patty looking chocolate chip cookies. Sad. I finally turned down the oven a little and took them out sooner than it called for but they still melted like butter in a frying pan. After cleaning all the dishes up from that and folding some laundry I was ready for bed. Read on my new book for like ten minutes and was out.
Tonight I plan to clean up the living room while Biggest Loser Couples is on and maybe make breakfast stuff for dinner. I'm in the mood for eggs for some reason. I bet you're all envious of my totally exciting life, huh?!
Cool Joyce Quote of the Day:
"Timing and Trust Are Twins"
Timing plays an important part in learning to trust God. If He did everything we asked for immediately, we would never grow and develop. Timing and trust are twins. They work side by side.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Spring Wishes

Does way more stuff than I will ever need but it's cute. I wanted it for the full keyboard and the fact that I can get my yahoo email and real internet of it. Killer.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
We did get the giant texas box in the mail yesterday. I left it in the living room floor unopened lastnight. Drove the cat to the brink of craziness. I finally opened it right before bed, only to realize that it was cram full of those vile peanut things. I didn't have the energy to mess with it at that point. Maybe tonight.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Back In Action
Friday, February 01, 2008
Times a Wastin
I'm not sure which is my fav because they are all so cute. I'm glad I decided on the different colored buttons. For now though, I'm off to start a great weekend and then a great week. Hopefully I'll come back with some nice stories and some great photos.
BTW, if you notice a ton of misspellings here lately it's because 1. I can't spell to begin with 2. the spell check on this goofy thing isn't working. Sheesh!