Also, this hair is cute. I'm trying to resist the urge.

And I fancy this dress & necklace very much...
Help me, I'm Crazy.
Also, this hair is cute. I'm trying to resist the urge.
And I fancy this dress & necklace very much...
Help me, I'm Crazy.
Zombies. Imagine.
Happy Holidays to everyone!
The Shoes:The bag:
Also, today I'm wearing my new "locket". It's just a cheapy one from Target but I love it. It's been named The Flava Flav by Alison and John thinks I look a little like Run DMC but I don't care. I like it because it's big and exaggerated.
What else for today? Oh! John is home sick. I think with the flu. I'm hoping it doesn't hang on till Christmas. He's never really sick but when he gets it, he get it. Maybe homemade chicken soup would do the trick. Hmmm... we'll see.
The bag is just an old navy canvas bag but I love it. I actually ordered it yesterday. I can't wait for it to get here. The current bag I carry is just so silly. It's big enough for all the stuff I wanna carry but at the same time it only has one handle, so I can't really dig in it while on the move. Not good.
The pink cupcakes? Well I dunno. I love cupcakes and I think I might be warming to light pink on things like cupcakes. Makes them seem sweeter and more romantic. Maybe that doesn't make sense.
The print is from the wonderful brain behind The Black Apple who has an amazing Etsy shop.
Her paintings are so wonderful and I aim to have at least five in my house.
This LeSport Sac travel tote is perfect for weekend trips, going out to the beach or even just for carrying groceries. I love the print on this one. Kinda girly but not to much pink for me.
And now! The thing I love the most today (besides my husband, family and little baby animals)...
It's. It's. It's just so dang pretty. I know. You're looking at the above bag and thinking "Eww" but I love it and plan to go TONIGHT and look at it. Most likely buy it. I've been searching for a light brown leather bag for ages now it seems. This one is reasonably priced and looks as though it would do what I need. We'll see how it all works out.
Funny to me how I've totally become a jeans and t shirt girl. I never was before. I love them now though. LOVE THEM. Old Navy is maybe my favorite place to shop. Almost always cute stuff in stock and the sales can't be beat. For casual wear my money is on them.
So real life stuff. Hm. I made three dozen peanut butter cookies last night and decided to stop. I've got loads more to make tonight. I hope the day at work goes by fast for me. I'm ready to get home. Well get to the hospital to see Baby Will, got to Old Navy to look at my bag AND then go home. The sun is actually shining here right this second but two to four inches of powdery white stuff will roll in tonight. I love to watch it snow though. Mostly when I don't have to go to work the next day. Yay for Me!!!
Also, meet Cute & Cute...
We got a new "bookshelf". It's a industrial strength unit. Each shelf can hold up to 600 pounds. This is actually our second one. We got one for the laundry room a few weeks ago. Sirius decided that he has a new look out point.
I made some chicken and dumplings too this weekend. They were oh so tasty and I had enough left over to freeze some for later. I've gotten in this freezing food kick. It's nice thought because I come home and we just thaw the thing and eat. We also got clementines, which I'm totally crazed over every year. I always forget how great they are.
AND now that BIG purchase of the year!
Yes, it's a giant tv. John picked out a 46inch flat panel LCD tv yesterday. With much joy we loaded this behemoth into his tiny car (actually it didn't fit with the box lid on and they had to cut it off and angle the tv into the back. Yikes). I do have to say it's beautiful. People are almost life sized and things in HD are amazing. I also can't tell you how nice it was to be able to get up and turn on the news to see how the weather was doing. Now we just need some dang tile or carpet and we would almost be living like grown ups!