Hope everyone has a great day! Miss you all bunches!!!!
So yesterday my wonderful husband blessed me with a new cell phone and it just happends to have a camera. Still getting the hang of it but here is one to share. I'm gonna have SOOO much fun with this thing! More pictures soon. Promise!
Joel Osteen's Latest:You have a unique, God-given purpose that only you can fulfill! God is the architect of your life and His Word is a blueprint containing all His hopes and plans for your life. One of the best ways to set goals is to start writing them down — both your short-term and long-term goals. It's amazing how your life can begin to take shape when you can see on paper where you want to go. Once you set your goals, stick with them! Don't allow the distractions of life to take you off course. Ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing moving me toward my God-given destiny? Am I staying focused?" Then, allow God to help you avoid things that are not helping you fulfill your destiny."Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you." (Proverbs 4:25)God, please help me set my schedule each day to accomplish the goals You want me to reach in my life. Thank You for caring so much about me that You have a unique plan and purpose for my life! In Jesus' name. Amen.
Hi All-Hope your weekend was lovely. Wanted to share a print that John and I just bought at the Ren Fest weekend before last. It's pretty but also cute. Enjoy!
This is SOOOO going to be our kid...
Went over to help Granny get all packed up last night. We had a nice time. I hate that she will be gone so long but it's always for a good reason. This week has flown by. Well except for yesterday. I'm hoping today will be fast because I'm not sure I can handle another SUPER long day. The weather should be nice and we will finally have a night at home without interruptions. Sounds like a great time to put up a new storm door! Kinda scary what being married and owning a house does to you. Speaking of being messed up...John's family is coming into town tomorrow morning. We're all going out to the Ren Fest for some fun and turkey legs. Should be ok. I'm thinking it going to be awkward because John is less excited to see them than I am. Hmmm. Something is wrong with that picture. Hopefully the weather will be good and we can do our own thing. It's normally a good time and I'm hoping to find a really cool pair of black earrings for myself but maybe some Christmas gifts as well. We'll see. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
So it's been a few days. Had a weekend in there someplace. It was great. Gran, John and I all went to do participate in the Parade of Homes. Had a great time. Saw some REALLY ugly houses and some really cute ones too. It was cool to get to be inside some of the downtown lofts that I've always wondered what they look like. Way fun!Work has been work. A lot of the team is out doing various things or are ill. I'm going to get to support a Global conference this week at our Riverport facility. I'm excited. Will be a nice change of pace away from the desk here. We're gonna start replumbing our house this week. Everyone pray that goes well. Doing the parade of homes really got me motivated to decorate our place. It's comin alone. Pictures soon for all of you out of towners.Gran leaves for FL on Friday and then straight to London for three weeks. LONG trip for her. Excited about Thanksgiving coming up. Good food awaits me.