Tuesday, December 26, 2006
So it's the day AFTER Christmas and I can hardly believe it. Four days flew by at lightning speed. Friday was just spent at our house. Just me and the gals. John went out shopping for "drugs" as he calls it. That means presents for me. Packed up our lives and went back over to Gran's house. Saturday started out to be a promising day. Slept in, made a lazy breakfast and generally just took our time. We finally decided however that showers and real clothing were in order. Wrapped all our gifts and then realized that Gran's house (we're currently back staying there because our lovely hot water heater went out) had NO trace of Christmas to be seen. So we rummaged through that basement rubbermaid and pulled out a few things to liven the place up. Just when it was getting good, John's friend came over and proceeded to spend four hours of my precious time with John jacking with new computer stuff. Sigh...BUT at least John got his new computer all squared away. It's a cute little thing. He loves it and I'm so glad we were able to get it. Will make school so much easier for him. Sunday started much the same but without the breakfast part. Mom and Gary rolled in around two and we headed over for a fun filled Christmas Eve dinner at Aunt Batman's house. Food was good and always nice to see them. Monday we spent some time at Gary's parents. Funny stuff. Lots of people in a little tiny house FULL of furniture. Made for some interesting times. Nice to see everyone though. John and I just spent the rest of the evening watching movies and relaxing. Weird how it didn't really feel like Christmas at all until I was driving home from our house alone with the radio on. By then Christmas was all but over. Sad. I'll get more into it next year. Oh! Two things I almost forget. We dog-sat the CUTEST baby ever. He was such a sweet little guy and was so good all weekend. I didn't want to take him back!
And the best for last! Presents! Got some CUTE things. JZ got me a docking station for my Ipod (car one and house one), some beautiful gloves, comfy jams from VS, and a cute hat for him that I wanted him to get a while back but he hated it. He still does but decided he would wear for me as a present. He's so sweet. Got a cute little white tea pot, personalized calendar and sweet pic of my pups. Gran got me a beautiful watch and some perfume from Paris (which I'm obsessed with). Over all GREAT year for presents. Fun thing is that this next weekend we get to do it all over again with John's family.
Back to work today. I rolled in a little late but nobody was here anyway. Still pretty dead even now. Oh well, back to the salt mines!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Scandal, Secrets and Scary Pink Medicine
So I'm almost on the ball here. Left work a hour early yesterday to "sneak" to Target and get all of John's stocking stuffer goodness. I was so excited to find stockings that matched our bizarre color scheme of the tree and then I proceeded to stuff that stocking till it's little seams were about to pop. I can't WAIT for him to open. Tonight I have to make Christmas. Decorate the house, make brownies for all his coworkers, wrap all the presents and manage to get a brow wax in there someplace. This morning I was less than pleased to find a nice little pile of hershey wrappers on the carpet of the living room. Seems Yorda had her own holiday party while John was in the shower this morning. I had to go to work though. I didn't have time for the vet just then. Got here and squared it all away. Called mom in a panic after reading that 2 oz of choc can be lethal. I have NO idea how many of those hershey kisses she actually ate. So we take a trip to the vet. He's a nice guy but pronounces my childs name wrong and that frustrates me. Then I realize it's because the lady at the counter miss spelled it on her chart. Way to go. Anyway, he checked Yordie out. Heart rate was good, stomach felt fine, eyes looked clear and she was jumpin around like she hadn't a care in the world. I'm sure he thought I was a over protective nut job to bring her in but I would rather be safe than sorry. We ended up with some nasty tasting (well apparently from the look on Yorda's face when I shot it down her little tiny throat) pink medicine for the next two days. Hopefully suppose to prevent any vomiting or squirts that might occur due to her pre holiday bash. Oh What A Night!!!!!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
It's Sick and Wrong!
What else...got a new PC at work. I was going to hold out for the Dell's but they ran out and I didn't want to wait until next year (date undetermined) to get it. So I went with the Toshiba. So far it's been GREAT! It's like a working off a movie theater screen. I just don't know what to do with myself!
Got Christmas with John's family all worked out. I know you all have been in on that saga at one point or another. We decided to go one weekend (not two in a row. Sheesh!). We'll be headed down there the weekend of the 30th. Less traffic hopefully anyway. Not sure what we will do on the day of but we can figure that out later. Even if I just sit at home and watch Christmas movies in my pjs with my hubby, I'll be happy.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Snow in the MidWest???
So we didn't get the HUMUNGO storm they told us we would. At Gran's house there was really only about two inches max. Here's a pic from out front of her house.
Notice anything missing? That would be the mail box and it's not there because, well, we backed over it while sliding on ice down the driveway. It's was exciting! I'm sure eveyone else got more snow than we did and it's melting off today as I type. It's just cold. Bad cold. Nothing like 70's one day and teens the next to get your winter juices flowing!
It's weekend time. I've heard some talk of the new Bond movie in my future. Also, we are going to finish up Christmas shopping. Gonna be so happy to have it done. Also thinking about getting out all the christmas stuff and decorating. Not sure though.
Anyway, have a wonderful weekend. Be safe and DON'T work (You know who you are!!!) :)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Hey Baby It's COLD Outside
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Relationship and Sleeping Cute Boys
Holiday time!!!! Food, Food and more Food. The weather has been just lovely almost everyday. So far this season has been GREAT!!!
Here's a cute little pic of John on Turkey Day...
Also, here is an email I recieved today about being in relationship with people. It gets you to thinking about how you interact with people on a daily basis. Does me anyway...
It's all in the relationship by John Fischer
“I try to please everyone in everything I do. I don’t just do what I like or what is best for me, but what is best for them so they may be saved.” (1 Corinthians 10:33 NLT)
This is an important question to have in mind whenever we are talking to anyone: “What is best for this person?” It’s a way of both getting out of ourselves and being in a position to truly help someone else. It requires finding out more about the other person – asking lots of questions and paying close attention to the answers. My job is to gain insight into a person’s thinking so as to understand who he is, where he is at, and what he is trusting in. Only then can I have a real relationship with someone. If my primary focus is on me, and what is best for me, that doesn’t even constitute a relationship.
This doesn’t mean I never talk about myself. It means that when I do, it’s for the purpose of identifying with another person. Real relationships reveal holes in our lives that others can relate to. And if Jesus will accept someone like me, surely people can recognize that Jesus will accept them. But this only works when we tell the truth. We have to first introduce our real selves to people before we introduce Jesus; that way they can understand why we need Jesus. Out of real relationships, God has a chance to work.
Paul says that the essence of his impact on people is to introduce himself to them. As he puts it, “We commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:2 NIV) To commend himself is to commend Christ, because Christ is his all in all. It’s all embodied in the relationship. Think of it this way: All our relationships are godly because God is all wrapped up in the people he created. People are God’s priority. They’re ours too, if we are following him.
People can understand relationships, even if they do not trust them. Everyone wants a friend. Everyone wants someone to care. Everyone wants to know he or she can count on someone to be there. This is where Jesus picks up in true and trusted relationships. Our relationship with Jesus and with people is intertwined. Whether they know him or not, Jesus is the essential element in all our relationships. And we’ll know when it’s important for someone to know that. Most likely, they’ll be asking us to tell them.
Aim high. God places a high value on relationships. It is what makes up the stuff of eternity. Aside from God and people and the love that holds us together, what else is there?
Friday, November 17, 2006
Turkey in the Straw...
The weather is suppose to be nice and I'm looking forward to get out for a nice walk at some point.
Thanksgiving is next week too. I can't wait for pecan pie. I truly love this holiday. Family is together, everyone is stuffed to the gills with the best food ever and then there's the parade. I'm not sure why but I love the parade. This year I have a lot to be thankful for.
1.Granny is still with us and healthy to boot
2.The unconditional love that God continuously gives me
3.My wonderful Hubby and Pups
4.Dad, Mom and Gary
5.My job, even though it stresses me out sometimes. At least I have one.
6.My car. It's just so dang cute.
7.Pecan Pie that is to come
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! (Just a little Paula Dean for everyone)
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Opposites Attract
How do you become like Christ? Interestingly enough, God is more committed to this than we are. And it’s a good thing, because if it all depended on us, we would never get very far in this process. We would probably be too easy on ourselves.
“And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.” (Philippians 1:6) He started it; he will finish it.
OK, but how does this happen? One of the ways God does this is by letting the opposite thing happen to you. Do you need to learn how to love? Get ready for someone you can’t stand. Need patience? Better prepare for some aggravations to come your way. Looking for peace? Here’s a little chaos you weren’t expecting. Joy? Did I mention sorrow?
Now why is God like this? Is he some kind of killjoy in the sky? Does he get a kick out of kicking us around? Actually he does this for the very reason that he is the one who starts and finishes the work in us. You see, all these qualities really belong to God. Love, joy, peace, patience are actually fruits of God’s Spirit in those who believe. In other words, he’s provided all these things we need, but we don’t find them until we are desperate for them. It’s just the way we were made.
If we could come up with all these qualities on our own, we wouldn’t need God. We would have rules and formulas and steps to go through to better ourselves. In other words, religion would be enough. As it is, we are deeply flawed. Even our best attempts at producing the right things in our lives come up short. Religion is a fine thing; it’s just that it has never made anyone like Christ. In fact, the more religious we become, the further away from Christ we get. You get to be more like Christ by needing him more and more in your life.
You can’t make the right stuff out of the wrong material. Or as Jesus said, you can’t put new wine in old wineskins. So God allows things into our lives that break the old, to bring in the new. The new is beyond us. We are forced to discover it when we are stretched beyond our means. So God brings the opposite to create in us what we really want. That’s when we grow.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Psalms 16:5 The Lord himself is my inheritance, my prize. He is my food and drink, my highest joy!
For some reason it just stuck out to me. Sometimes is helps to think of God so literally, at least for me. The word that always comes to mind, and it's a funny one, is lifeblood. It's so dramatic yet wonderful. I love the strong meaning that helps you to realize just how serious this object is to your life. Thinking of God as your food and drink is much the same. Those are things you just can't live without. This week I had a very honest test of that in my life. You really can't live without eating or drinking. I also find it interesting that you also do these things without a lot of thought. Sure we all spend time trying to figure out what sounds good to us but in the end it doesn't take a lot of brain waves to put the food in your mouth. That is how relationship should be with God. Something you do (not mindlessly) but without serious struggle or turmoil. He loves you and wants you to love and trust Him completely.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Keeping First Thing First
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)
People who experience the joy, blessings and favor of the Lord are different in one key area: they put the most important things in life at the top of their list where they belong. If you want to experience God's best in your life, stay focused on Him and on the things that truly matter. The Bible says to first aim at and then strive after God's kingdom and righteousness—which simply means to do things God's way. To reach your full potential and be everything God intends you to be, make sure His priorities are your priorities. Doing this will help you make wise use of your time and help you to experiencie God's best.
A Prayer for Today
God, thank You for explaining in Your Word what is really important in life. Help me to get my priorities in life in the right order, and then keep the most important things first. I claim Your power and wisdom today as I seek to make You and Your kingdom the focus of my day. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Camera Phone!!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Setting Clear Goals
You have a unique, God-given purpose that only you can fulfill! God is the architect of your life and His Word is a blueprint containing all His hopes and plans for your life. One of the best ways to set goals is to start writing them down — both your short-term and long-term goals. It's amazing how your life can begin to take shape when you can see on paper where you want to go. Once you set your goals, stick with them! Don't allow the distractions of life to take you off course. Ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing moving me toward my God-given destiny? Am I staying focused?" Then, allow God to help you avoid things that are not helping you fulfill your destiny.
"Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you." (Proverbs 4:25)
God, please help me set my schedule each day to accomplish the goals You want me to reach in my life. Thank You for caring so much about me that You have a unique plan and purpose for my life! In Jesus' name. Amen.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Art to Share
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
And She's Off...
This week has flown by. Well except for yesterday. I'm hoping today will be fast because I'm not sure I can handle another SUPER long day. The weather should be nice and we will finally have a night at home without interruptions. Sounds like a great time to put up a new storm door! Kinda scary what being married and owning a house does to you.
Speaking of being messed up...John's family is coming into town tomorrow morning. We're all going out to the Ren Fest for some fun and turkey legs. Should be ok. I'm thinking it going to be awkward because John is less excited to see them than I am. Hmmm. Something is wrong with that picture. Hopefully the weather will be good and we can do our own thing. It's normally a good time and I'm hoping to find a really cool pair of black earrings for myself but maybe some Christmas gifts as well. We'll see. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Playin Ketchup
Work has been work. A lot of the team is out doing various things or are ill. I'm going to get to support a Global conference this week at our Riverport facility. I'm excited. Will be a nice change of pace away from the desk here.
We're gonna start replumbing our house this week. Everyone pray that goes well. Doing the parade of homes really got me motivated to decorate our place. It's comin alone. Pictures soon for all of you out of towners.
Gran leaves for FL on Friday and then straight to London for three weeks. LONG trip for her.
Excited about Thanksgiving coming up. Good food awaits me.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Things to Think About
by John Fischer
I’m an Angels fan – God’s Angels as well as Anaheim’s. Now you immediately want to know what a partisan baseball comment like that is doing in a devotional. Well, it’s because I am an Angels fan that I read an article in the Los Angeles Times once about Anaheim’s star young relief pitcher, Francisco Rodriguez, and in that article, he revealed why he points and looks skyward every time he leaves the field. “Win or lose, I point to God when I’m done to thank him for giving me that energy and ability and one more day to do my job. I thank him for allowing me to be myself.”
Some might not recognize this as a statement of worship, but that’s exactly what it is. Our work is our worship. Francisco is worshiping God by training, practicing, and pitching in the major leagues because that is where his talents and skills have taken him. So for him to thank the Creator and give him credit is the most natural thing he could do as a created human being. Actually, every player on the field is worshiping God by doing what he does; it’s just that they don’t all know that they are. Francisco knows, and this adds a spectacular element to his life. He’s not just getting by in life; he’s getting to do what he was meant to do.
Does this only apply to baseball players? Why should it? Why couldn’t it apply to anyone, doing any job? Can a computer programmer thank God for one more day to do her job? Can a CEO thank God for the skills and abilities to run a company? Can a clerk at Wal-Mart thank God for allowing him to be himself? Of course. That’s the unique nature of this perspective. It can apply to anyone or no one.
It’s really all up to us to see our lives as gifts of God for however long we get to live them on this earth. God’s not going to tap us on the shoulder and remind us of this every few hours. Indeed, you can live your whole life and never see it as a gift of God and an act of worship. But in this case, who loses?
Our lives should worship God anyway since we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. So why not get in on the act? Why not thank God for one more day to do your job? And while you’re at it, thank him for allowing you to be yourself.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Sometimes I HATE Technology...
Vacation was good. We did some shopping and LOTS of eating. It was lovely to see Gaga and Sharon but also nice to spend time with Mom and Gran Patti. I'm happily got all my fall and winter wardrobe purchased. I'm wicked glad to be done with that. I love fashion and clothing but hate to shop for clothing for myself. Wonder why.
Been thinking and reading a lot lately about purposeful living. All of this started because of an article I read in Relevent Magazine a while back. They of course talked about living a life a purpose for God but also living a life of purpose in other ways. One way was being more conscious of the little ways you can effect the environment. I thought about what that could mean for me. How I could in my daily life effect something so great. I came across a guy who has written a few books about just this subject. He is a really cool person and has lots of creative ideas on just this subject. His name is Danny Seo. Now, I'm just gonna stop you all right there. I know what your thinking and I can assure you that I'm not going to go crazy on you. Promise! Ok, back to Danny. His first book "Conscious Style Home: Eco-Friendly Living for the 21st Century" is way cool (I actually just bought it and am eagerly awaiting it's arrival in the mail). He actually redoes his parents house into a more eco friendly space. I love the idea. He repurposes things, he gives you great tips on donating unused items and all kinds of other cool stuff. The article I initially read about him gave a tour of his home (Which was killer cute) and showed how he has been able to be friendly to the environment but still live like a king. I know this isn't for everyone but it's something I find to be very interesting. Below are some links. One is Danny's blog. He's one of the editors of Country Home Magazine, has a sirus radio show each day and has a spot on one of the early morning tv shows called Simply Green. He also has two other books: "Simply Green Parties" & "Simply Green Giving". They both feature some really cool ideas. You can check those out here:
Also, here are some other links that give more info about Danny and his cute little house:
Enjoy these links and I'll chat with y'all again soon!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
No More Chains
Next, something really cool happened to me today. I tend to journal after getting inspired by something. It just makes me feel good. I feel like I don't want to forget the feeling. Anyway, I was typing out my thoughts and wrote something that I hadn't even realized to be a truth. I just sat there and read over "my" words again and again. God spoke to me threw ME! I just started giggling right here at my desk. I was filled with this feeling I haven't had in a while. That wonderfuly addictive feeling that God is close to me. It's something I always know in my mind but when you encounter him in everyday life it's SO cool. He showed me a place in my life that I've been dressing fear up in a costume for myself. Making it seem to be something else but it was still just plain old fear. WOW! So then (as He often does with me at least) God gave me a song to "go" with my realization. I wanted to share the lyrics with you because they are incredibly inspiring in themselves. If you have a chance to actually hear the song, I would recommend it. Even if you don't like music.
No More Chains by Nicole Nordeman
How did I get locked up inside?
What's this that renders me paralyzed?
I lost myself in small pieces
It happened over time
I traded love for a heavy chain
Another link every other day
I pulled it up and down a mountain
It made me want to say?
No more chains No more chains
Big and small, watch them fall away
No more chains
Big and small, watch them fall away
I wonder now if the choice was mine
The door was open, I walked inside
Nobody had my arm twisted
Nobody made me stay
The face of freedom can show up small
A tiny crack in a prison wall
A song that rises up from silence
A voice that wants to say?
No more chains
I should let you give me wings
I should let you set me free
Monday, September 18, 2006
Coffee Buzz
Friday, September 15, 2006
Furniture, Fat Checks and Fun Times
More big news, I found out my compensation adjustment yesterday and let me tell you all, it's a good one. You never really can tell how your manager feels you're truly performing till they throw a fat check at you. Really cool!
As previously mentioned, Gaga and Sharon are coming on Saturday. We've got a fun week ahead of us and I'm so looking forward to it. I've got three days off next week, so there won't be anything new and exciting here for a few days. I'll hopefully however come back with pictures to post and stories to tell.
Have a great weekend Everyone!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Movie Time
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Post Me Party People!!!!
So kids...all you gotta do to post a comment to any of the posts you read here is click on the X comments link at the bottom of each one. You can leave me cute notes. It'll be fun. Promise!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Restoration and the Goodness that Follows
by John Fischer
Restoring relationships is an important part of having them. As imperfect people, you can count on the fact that we will let each other down. That’s why truthfulness and forgiveness are an essential part of our life together.
It’s a commentary on our fast-paced mobile lifestyles that it often takes a death to bring family and friends together. At a memorial service I attended once for the wife of a worship leader who had served three churches in three different parts of the country, friends from all three areas came, at no small personal expense, to show their love and support. The huge turnout was, as much as anything, a testimony to this couple’s deep commitment to the people they had served, and it was an opportunity for many to remember a courageous woman and give something back to her husband and children.
It was also a time for me to be reunited with old friends who had been much more in my life when I lived closer to them. One in particular had some hard words for me. Some time ago he sent me an e-mail that had gone into considerable detail about changes in his life – personal things he was going through – and I had never answered it or even acknowledged receiving it. This had hurt him deeply and I could tell as he confessed to me his hurt and anger that he had built up a lot of resentment toward me. But at the same time, I could sense a big weight come off his shoulders as he conveyed his true feelings to me. By facing me honestly, he was rescuing what was valuable about our relationship and setting both of us free.
He could have been superficially nice to me at the memorial service and continued on in his resentment and anger, and I would have never known. I couldn’t have even asked his forgiveness if I hadn’t known I had hurt him. But by being honest and confrontational, he gave the Lord the opportunity to heal and restore. God can do wonders in our relationships as long as we face each other and tell the truth.
Jesus once said that if you bring an offering to the Lord and you are aware of something wrong in one of your relationships, you should set your offering aside and go get things straightened out with your brother or sister, then come back and worship. (Matthew 5:23-24) How we live in relationship with each other in the Body of Christ needs our attention, even before our worship. God is basically saying that we can’t be in fellowship with him and knowingly out of fellowship with each other. My friend did the right thing and we are both the better for it.
Release the Hounds...
Monday, September 11, 2006
Weekend Stuffs
Slept a little late on Saturday but was up and showered by eight. Both of us. TOTALLY weird. Ran some errands (checked out house stuff at Home Depot) and then headed to Gran's for a fun filled day of shopping. Macy's was having a sale! Gran made out like a bandit, I however scored a cook book. Granted I got a great deal on it and it was one that I've wanted for a while. I was happy.
Sunday we just a lot of nonsense. Made some chili for lunch because it was totally a chili day. Rainy and grey out. Watched a movie. Read on my new book. Oh well, got another book actually on Sunday. The new Joyce Meyer book, Confident Woman. I haven't gotten that far into it but so far it's dynamite. I think I'm really going to enjoy it.
Only nine more days till I have three days off. Isn't it funny how we count the days down. I hope it's not rainy and gross while Gaga is here but who knows.
So it's Sept 11th. John had the news on this morning and it's all they talked about. Yesterday we watched V for Vendetta. Kinda creepy. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend it. Great movie. Weird though to watch it yesterday because it's about a terrorist in London. I normally hate movie like that but it was different than most. A lot of side story that still had to do with the main plot.
Anyway, back to the day. Mondays are always so...yuck.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I'm a Junkie
-Lemon & Honey Green Tea (They're the little packets. You just add them to water and you have this great drink and yes, they're portable. LOVE IT because it makes water not quite so watery.)
-Tab Energy (Yes, it's a drink too. I know but in my world of being almost physically chained to my desk, this is what I'm into People. It's great because it's energy without that ants under your skin feeling.)
-Quilted Handbags (It's this weird kinda granny but sorta cute thing. My new one is big, black and quilted. Oh, that almost sounds obscene!)
-Project Runway (I don't watch all that much TV these days but this one is on the DVR list for sure. What could better? It combines sewing, fashion, modeling and some really funny people. This season is pretty good. I'm crossing my fingers for Michael but I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't mention I love Kayne. I know he's all crazy pageant dresses and way to much energy but I just can't help myself. He's fun.)
-Lost (In the spirit of TV, I'm addicted to Lost. I can't wait for the new season to start. You think I'm wild now, just wait. It gets better.)
-Black and White (Not sure what it is with me and the two fabulous colors but I'm hooked. I love the contrast I guess. Colors are great but how fancy and classic does one look in a great pair of black pants with a crisp white button down shirt? I mean come on! This also goes for the home. I love white sofa's, white flowers, black furniture.)
-Panera Bread Broccoli Cheese Soup (It's soup but oh so much more yummy than normal soup. Far superior.)
-Fall Weather (Really diggin the weather lately. Wish it would be this great all the time.)
-Little Black Hair Clippie-dos (Because believe it or not people, I actually almost have something of a mini pony going on. It's progress for me. My dad, I'm sure, is leaping out of his seat about now.)
-Blueprint Magazine (It's part of the Martha Stewart empire but way more fun. Great DIY tips for fashion and home. Great recipes and really great advice for storage and stuff. Only into their second issue as of now but cool things to come I'm sure.
-Cupcakes (They are mini cakes with brightly colored yummy icing. 'Nough said.)
-Shoes (This is vague, I know but if you know me at all you'll understand that it doesn't really matter what brand or style. I love them all. Like puppies.)
Ok, your turn. Post your "addiction" list because, well...It will be fun.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Meditation on God
Why worry when you can meditate?
by John Fischer
ÂBlessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. (Psalm 1:1-2)
IÂm a chronic worrier. I come from a long line of worriers. A good deal of my conscious time is taken up with the act of worrying. According to Rick Warren, this means I would be good at meditation.
Meditation is focused thinking. It is not just for monks and clerics. David said that he loved to meditate day and night on the Word of God. Now this was also while he was running a kingdom, fighting a perpetual enemy on the battlefield, and at times, running for his life. didn'tidnÂt have a lot of time to sit with his legs crossed and go ÂOmmmmmm. That kind of meditation is meant to clear the mind of all thoughts. Biblical meditation is thinking focused on a particular aspect of God, a part of GodÂs Word, or a reminder of what he has done for you.
Worry is focused thinking as well. ItÂs focused on what I canÂt answer or solve about my situation. Worry, at least for me, is returning over and over again to a place where I am stuck. I must somehow negatively feed on that little flutter of panic each time I follow a path of worry to the same hopeless conclusion. These are thoughts that accompany me throughout the day. I donÂt sit down to worry. Worry is nagging negativity.
It would stand to reason that if I can do this kind of professional worrying while I go about my tasks for the day, then I could choose to meditate on GodÂs Word instead. Worry is usually all about what you canÂt do anything about anyway. ItÂs never productive. Imagine all that attention turned to God and his truth.
I have the feeling that if I learned to turn my chronic worrying into meditation, when I did actually sit down to do something about those things IÂm tempted to worry about, I might be in a much better frame of mind to find a solution.
Try it today. If you catch yourself worrying, turn your thoughts instead to God and his Word. Take a portion of Scripture and turn it over and over in your mind. Remember what God has done for you. Be thankful. Why worry when you can meditate?
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Back to Work? Yuck!
Did some shopping over the weekend. Not that it's headline news (If you were to ask John it's all he's heard about for three days) but I got the CUTEST handbag on Saturday. Just what I was looking for. It's always so fun to actually find what you've envisioned in your head.
In other news, how bloody fabulous is this weather, People! OMG! It's been like 70 everyday. I'm in fall sweaters and cute pants already. Yay for me, for sure!
Up and coming events include: Gaga and Sharon travel to KC on the 16th. I'm taking a few days of vacation while their here. Should be great and it's always nice to see them.
Can't wait for Granny to land back in the states. Only four more days! Hurry home woman! We miss you a pantload!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Randomly Wonderful Things...
Not sure what really prompted me to start a blog but it should be lots of fun. I'm thinking it will be great for family members that live far away to see pics and read about what is going on with John and I.
It's gonna be a grand journey folks. Welcome to my world!